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But no fear! That’s why I’m here. I’ve got a handy-dandy free printable below to help you keep track of all of the must-do tasks along with some smart ideas for home maintenance hacks to help keep you organized and on-track with caring for your space!

It's tricky to keep track of everything that needs to be done to keep your home running smoothly and safely! Grab these 5 super-smart home maintenance hacks and this handy-dandy FREE PRINTABLE to help you keep track and make light work of it! Tip #3 is my favorite!

Home Maintenance Hacks

  • Group tasks together. To make it easier to remember, go ahead and schedule your HVAC service along with any plumbing work you need to have done. While you are changing the batteries in the smoke alarms, go ahead and check the fire extinguishers. Plan to vacuum the dryer vent and refrigerator coils at the same time. For the expenses, your budget may take a hit, but if you set aside money for home maintenance every month, it will be there when you need it. By grouping tasks, you are using your time more efficiently and making sure they get done.
  • Map out your year. Sort what must be done in your house every month, every few months, biannually or annually, and schedule it out. This printable will help!

    It's tricky to keep track of everything that needs to be done to keep your home running smoothly and safely! Grab these 5 super-smart home maintenance hacks and this handy-dandy FREE PRINTABLE to help you keep track and make light work of it! Tip #3 is my favorite!

    Grab this free printable HERE!

  • Schedule dates for each task. After organizing your year, actually go through your calendar and mark dates to complete jobs/schedule services. Doing this in January works well. Pro tip: plan this planning ahead! I keep a list at the back of my planner every year for things I must do in the following year–add “schedule home maintenance tasks” to this list and then write it when you get your new calendar (or start filling in for the next year on your phone if you’re more fancy, high-tech than me 😉 )
  • Know when to call in the pros. Many of these tasks you can do yourself, but some are simply not safe to tackle solo. HVAC servicing, electrical, plumbing, and chimney cleaning should be left to the pros, as should any structural damage or repairs that make your home unsafe (unless you have someone super-handy in your house).
    • For HVAC services, I cannot say enough good about One Hour Heating & Air Conditioning. Yes, they are sponsoring this post! But I am genuinely impressed with this company–from the care and attention they took when servicing our unit to the excellent communication both before and after their visit, the professionalism is unmatched.
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Meredith blogs at The Mom of the Year, where she dedicatedly earns her title one epic parenting fail at a time, offering quick, relatable laughs for fellow parents and all their empathizers. She has been part of several best-selling anthologies, featured on prominent sites such as Huffington Post, In the Powder Room and BlogHer, and loves her role as the Executive VP/Operations Manager of The BlogU Conference. When she's not breaking up fights over Legos and juice boxes, she remains fully committed to sharing a less serious look at the world of parenting.


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