***I have been compensated by AVEENO and JOHNSON’S® Baby for this post about Mommy Must Haves; however, I am sharing my own thoughts. All opinions are my own.***
I remember my early mom days too well. Leaving the house with a newborn and a toddler took no less than two hours prep and my entire stockpile of sanity, only to be oft foiled by a massive diaper blow-out leaving Mommy fantasizing about a four-hour nap–and maybe the kids would even rest too! Fun times! I have come a long way since then and learned so very much about using smart hacks to take control of the chaos. The most genius fix you’ll find, mama? Stashing up your bag with these Mommy Must Haves so you are all set for whatever your kid-filled days holds!
I grew up on Johnson & Johnson products–my mom used this brand for everything! I remember the baby oil and the lotion as staples of my childhood. At the time, I didn’t understand her dedication to the brand. Now I totally get it. JOHNSON’S® is your genius parenting fix–if you ever hope to leave the house that is…
Snag Mommy Must Haves at Walmart:
I love me a good Walmart trip, but this winter weather and sickness streak have made leaving the house a tad trickier than usual. I’m now an online ordering fan more than ever. And with Walmart.com making ordering Johnson and Johnson products so very easy, how can you go wrong? With free in-store pickup and the fantastic 2-Day shipping option, online ordering is a budget-friendly solution for those times you can’t make it out to shop. An easy-peasy win!
7 Mommy Must Haves You Need:
Fill up your bag of tricks with these genius products and you’re well on the way to making order out of this kiddo craziness, mom!
- This JOHNSON’S® Baby Take-Along Pack is a MUST. So much so, that I have several on stand-by for our day-to-day, for longer trips and to include as part of any baby shower gift. Leaving the house with baby is enough of a chore, forget sorting what you must pack! Toss one of these kits from this trusted brand in your bag and off you go!
- Show me a mama who doesn’t cringe at the thought of a prolonged bedtime, and I’ll show you a unicorn! 🙂 No seriously, we moms will do anything to make nighttime routines smooth-sailing, and this lavender-scented JOHNSON’S® Baby Shampoo and BEDTIME® Bubble Bath work wonders! Grab these finds and let your little ones naturally relax and calm themselves as they prep for bed!
- Every modern-day mom knows that sunscreen is a must, regardless of the temperature outside. Do yourself a favor and stock up on these sweet AVEENO® Baby sunscreen sticks–gentle enough for young kiddos, yet strong enough to stand up to the sun’s rays. With easy, mess-free application, you don’t want to leave the house without one of these sticks tucked in your bag!
- Speaking of the sun, if your kids are accidentally out too long, it is SO important to have a quality skin-soother on hand. JOHNSON’S® Baby Oil Gel With Aloe Vera And Vitamin E is fantastic for calming and nurturing young skin. Keep a bottle in your cabinet!
- Winter is BRUTAL on our skin, and even more so for little ones! I LOVE this super-effective Baby HEAD-TO-TOE® Extra Moisturizing Cream that is young skin-friendly. I stock up every year and am always grateful to have it on hand!
- Your little one has a cold? No worries! JOHNSON’S® Baby Soothing Vapor Bath For Colds for the fix! A gentle solution to soothe baby while nasty cold symptoms rage their mark? Genius! Give this one a go, mama. You will love what it does for your kiddos.
- My all-time favorite Johnson and Johnson product? JOHNSON’S® HEAD-TO-TOE® Baby Cleansing Cloths. My kids are 6 and 8, and I still use these every day! I have a pack in my purse and in my car. And at-the-ready for vacation. I use them for my children’s hands and my dog’s paws. I use them for my own face and my hands! I use them to tidy up all of the messes we meet up with throughout our days–I love these wipes!
These Mommy Must Haves will get your back in the trickiest of mom moments, mama! Travel, vacations, even simple days out or visits to the dentist? Dicey “firsts” like overnight stays or road trips? These hacks have your back on all of these adventurous endeavors! Shop ahead at Walmart and find yourself at the ready for whatever this demanding life of kiddos throws your way!
If someone is reporting an adverse event or a product quality complaint, please tell them to call the Johnson & Johnson (J&J) North America \Consumer Care Center at 800-361-8068 during normal business hours of operation: Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET. After normal business hours, they can report adverse events or product quality complaints through www.jnj.com Contact Us page.
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Janine Huldie says
I remember those early days, too and agree Johnson’s and Johnson’s is definitely must have products for those early mom days for sure! 🙂
Meredith says
Right?! They are such a staple for all of us mamas!