This is the time of year when I start to get cagey. The piles of crap loom more implicating and the siren call to tidy up is strong. I feel encumbered by the clutter, yet lack the stamina to smoothly catalog all our outgrown items and pitch them for sale.
While I do manage to clean up a few piles and drop them at my favorite local consignment shop, more often than not, I give up. I sigh in defeat, grab a garbage bag, and make a non-thoughtful dump of perfectly fine clothing at Goodwill. Don’t get me wrong; I love Goodwill. But what if there was a solution that allowed me to shed the unwanted from my house while supporting something a bit nearer and dearer to me? Like my kids’ school…
Enter Schoola.
What is Schoola? It’s an online gently used clothing retailer. It is an online site that mails you pre-paid postage bags to fill with your own outgrown goods (mom or kid) and send back. They sell your items and then donate 40% to your kids’ school. All the clothes they sell are donated by parents, and the best part is that $2 out of every $5 spent on Schoola goes right back to schools!
In early January they’re doing a special closet cleanout #Passthebag campaign and Schoola is calling on YOU! How can you clear out your clutter while helping your local school”?
Step 1: Go online to Schoola and request a donation bag. (#Passthebag)
Step 2: Fill it, and send it in for the benefit of your child’s school. Schoola is now accepting women’s as well as children’s clothing, so use this as an opportunity to clean out your closets and start the new year off fresh!
Step 3: Challenge at least 3 friends or family members to do the same by posting on Facebook or Twitter and using the hashtag #PasstheBag.
Step 4: Pat yourself on the back; not only did you request a bag to donate on behalf of your school, but by challenging others you also helped spread the word about the only online marketplace that supports art, music, and P.E. in schools! Once donated items start to sell on, you can track the total amount raised on your school’s fundraising page. Pretty cool right? The more people that donate, the more your school can raise so please share with everyone you know!
With all this is mind? Count me in! Too often I feel guilty about not having more time or financial capacity to give more to my kids’ public school. A way to pass on my junk AND help our adorable elementary school score some cash? Sweet!
In addition to shipping off some of our clothes, I checked out the other end of the coolness offers–I went shopping! And it was too much fun. As I described to my husband, has solved my primary complaint about my go-to consignment shopping–I can’t do it online. Schoola catalogs each item they sell for an easy search by size and clothing type.
What does this mean? I can shop for second-hand quality clothes for my kids without leaving my home. Ordering was not only easy, but made me feel like a money-saving genius. On top of the thrifty brilliance of consignment shopping itself, rocking the frequent sale codes Schoola offers after you register on their site left me cheering my own heroic.
And I got some really adorable stuff for my kids!
To make this site even more appealing, Schoola will be launching a women’s category this spring! This means while you’re shopping for your kids, you can nab something for yourself as well, all while supporting schools. To help build their women’s inventory, be sure to add a few of your own items to your donation bag!
I love saving money + I love finding cute clothes for my kids (and myself!) + I love supporting our local schools without tossing away our hard-earned cash = I LOVE SCHOOLA.
With this perfect storm of genius setting loose, I’m eager to scoop some of my pals into this sweetness. I’m delighted to #Passthebag to Ashley of Dose of Reality, Amanda of Questionable Choices in Parenting and Jessica of Herd Management. These ladies will be sent a pre-paid postage mailer bag to fill with their own outgrown items, raising money for their schools and cleaning out their closets in one shot? Thank you for supporting this effort, friends!
In case my enthusiasm for isn’t clear, I think this site is fantastic. I love the way it encourages me to sort my mess while supporting my local school. And let’s be honest, you know any chance I have to score fun stuff at a nifty price always ranks high in my book! Head over to Schoola now and treat yourself to some sweet outgrown-clothes-lovin’!
******This blog post was sponsored by and I received clothing from Schoola, but my love for this company is 100% genuine!*******
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Janine Huldie says
Great challenge and I swear the more clothes that come into my home the more that totally needs to go out. It is the same with toys. I admit I hate clutter, so I am constantly cleaning, tossing and throwing away. Thanks for sharing this option and will be looking into it now for sure, Meredith 🙂
Meredith says
Janine, this is such a cool site! Definitely use it to tackle all that nasty clutter 🙂
Chris Carter says
Well THIS sounds AMAZING!!! I need to really get into some serious cleaning out of closets as soon as I am up and walking again. Thanks so much for sharing this Meredith!! What a great way to give back AND shop!! I’m ALL for second hand clothes for me and the kids!!
Meredith says
Isn’t second-hand the best, Chris? You’ll love Schoola and praying you can be back on your feet soon–you poor thing!
Meredith says
Thanks for this fabulous information! I sent your blog post to the director of my daughter’s daycare to see if they might be interested in participating. I have BOXES of all my daughter’s clothes since she came home from the hospital and this would be an awesome way to finally get rid of them. Plus, I do a lot of her clothes shopping at consignment stores, tag sales & Ebay; now I have another fabulous source!
Meredith says
Awesome! Thanks for passing this on, Meredith. And yes, I am tickled to add another source to my consignment obsession 🙂
Amanda says
I love this idea! Thank you so much for sharing this info about Schoola! I have boxes and boxes of clothes that I’ve just been hiding in storage. A lot are my work clothes that I no longer need. Love the idea of having a place to donate the clothes and I can help my kiddos school out. Awesome!
Meredith says
Thanks so much for helping #PasstheBag, Amanda! It always feels super to clean out those closets 🙂
The Dose of Reality says
Am SO EXCITED to get my bag!! WOOHOO! The fact that I can clean out the closets AND make a difference to a local school in need has me doing a standing ovation at my computer! YAY Schoola!! :)-Ashley
Meredith says
Ashley, thanks for supporting this and yes, here’s to those clean closets!