I understand that logically, it’s not really an extra hour. When you factor in all the gradual shifting of daylight and the hour forward in the spring and blah blah blah, it really makes no difference. I don’t care.
I understand that with kids, it’s really the same difference. Despite the clock reading a different time, you still have children. They are still active–and whiny and need juice cups filled. I don’t care.
I spent 99% of my life scrambling for minutes. Clearly, my last week’s goal of letting go of the bondage of my to-do list is working out so well.
So when Father Time decides to throw me an extra hour, I’m going to squee like a school girl with glee. This mama needs time. In bad way. Yes, I might have that time all clouded up with young kids needing attention, but it’s time all the same.
This weekend, while Halloween is definitely the shining star, I’m going to go ahead and celebrate another little highlight. It’s called Daylight Saving Time: The Fall Version.
All logic-filled explanations shoved aside, when I’m offered a free hour, it’s sweet news. I’ll instantly start plotting and planning exactly how it should best be spent. Of course, I will end up just grumpily attempting to sleep in while my children awake at the literal break of dawn and commence racing through the house, but this is so beside the point. I will fantasize about that hour and I will fantasize well.
I may not have much, but I have my imagination. And I’m clinging to it.
After crowd-sourcing on Facebook, it became apparent that the #1 thing all moms long to spend an extra hour doing is SLEEP. I totally get this. Covert sneaking the Ambien your way and with you, my friends.
Other moms sagely spoke of using the hour to plan more sneaky alone minutes. Smart! Love the way these ladies think.
Someone else misread crowd-sourcing as crowd-surfing, and suggested this might be fun diversion for us moms. Others agreed, and we now apparently have a night of Moms Gone Wild planned. Works for me.
So what would this Mom of the Year do with that sweet, sweet extra 60? (Assuming sleep as a given and the children were entranced with Frozen…)
1) Watch a TV show. I remember a fun little something called Revenge??
2) My nails. They look like hell. I try not to make them look this way. I’ve been unsuccessful.
3) Read a rag. I don’t care what anyone thinks; I’ll never give up my crush on Star magazine.
4) Organize my Christmas list. HaHA! Oh wait, that was a joke.
5) Take more stupid selfies of my crazy morning hair. Because it never gets old.
6) Watch Wheel of Fortune. Yes, I like it. Shut up.
7) Plan how I can see all of the book-to-movies that are coming out at the end of 2014. Then pinch myself and wake up; under no earthly circumstance could this happen before the next millenial.
8) Clean the playroom. Or not.
9) Tackle the beasty-things my eyebrows have become. Because it would take the full hour.
10) My husband. Yeah, because despite the bee-stings, I still kind-of have a crush on him.
So what ever your plans are for your luxurious “extra hour”, friends, enjoy. I will be right there will you, celebrating each minute for what it’s worth!
First image credit: depositphotos.com, ID:40622725, copyright:creatista
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Janine Huldie says
See, I have a love hate-relationship with this extra hour to be quite honest. On the one hand, love the extra time, not going to lie, but hate that we lose the hour of daylight later in the day. I mean I cannot take it being dark by 4:30 in the next few weeks. So depressing and get why people get SAD. But still love your list and now if only we could get to do some of these things for us with that extra hour maybe I could get more on board with it! Happy Halloween 🙂
Meredith says
You’re so right, Janine. All that lack of sunshine is brutal. This reminds me I need to dig out my light therapy lamp ASAP! Hope you had a good weekend 🙂
Cynthia Gabriele Sprouts Consignment Boutique says
I find joy in the extra this year as my daughter will be here celebrating her birthday! I treasure every minute with her & now I have 60 more to enjoy!
Meredith says
Oh so fun! What a perfect weekend for her to visit 🙂
Chris Carter says
And I adore your SELFIE!!!!!
Meredith says
Wa-hoo!!! Sleeping for the win!
Kathy Radigan says
See the fun of this is that since my birthday is at the end of October my parents always take my kids for a Saturday night sleepover so my husband and I can have a date. And usually it’s the weekend when we fall back, so tomorrow I will be getting to spend my extra hour in my own bed, with my husband, and just my husband and nobody trying to wake me up. Sorry if I sound like I’m gloating, feel free to hate me! Lol! xoxo
Meredith says
Oh honey, could never hate you for this–ENJOY! Sounds like such bliss. Tell me afterwards that it was WONDERFUL!!! xoxoxo
Lisa @ The Golden Spoons says
Excellent list! (BTW – this is our topic for the upcoming Tuesday Ten, so you should come link it up! Goes live on Tuesday at 6:00am EST). I sort of wish the extra hour came in the middle of the day. Since it’s technically at 2am, I usually spend it sleeping which is awesome, but there is so much else I could do!
Meredith says
Lisa, what a perfect link-up! I am terrible about remembering to hop-in, but I so appreciate the head’s up!
Sisterhood of the Sensible Mom says
I love you and your hilarious planning hubris. 🙂 Ellen
Meredith says
I love that you toss around words like hubris–you are so cool, Ellen!