We have one. A junk drawer, that is. Truth told, it scares me. The sheer fear of what it may or may not contain is enough motivation for me to ignore it for months on end (okay, let’s be honest–it’s probably been 3+ yrs.) and just continue to write “sort junk drawer” repetitively on my to-do list.
The thing of it is: it upsets me.
It upsets me in the way that I’m a control freak and significantly enjoy having order in my home. I enjoy knowing where my Sharpies are and if I need to stock up on Scotch tape because I’m running low.
Unfortunately, this sweet order fled like a toddler caught coloring on the wall as soon as I took on my parenting gig.
It was a definitive case of “Have children, lose all accounting for scissors within the household”
You see, I enjoy trying to save money for my family. I clip coupons and fantasize about obscene amounts of cash-back at the grocery register. I imagine celebratory balloons cascading from the ceiling as the cashier tabulates my awe-worthy receipt.
As turns out, achieving this level of greatness requires organization.
I do not have this organization.
I have dreams of this organization. Memories of it from a previous, pre-child glory. And currently, a whole crappy drawer full of junk.
A daily reminder that I do not have my mess together. That I do not come close to having my mess together. And that at best, my hope is to cram my mess into the drawer and squeeze it shut so I can catch up on my Game of Thrones binge-watching in peace after I stash the kids in bed
The drawer mocks me still.
Listen, I don’t know if there will ever be a time in my life when I will be able to adequately school my junk drawer. Same goes for those horrid dust bunnies under the cabinets or random toy parts setting up shop underneath the dark corners of my couch. I can fantasize, I can hope for a more-together house, but only Lord knows if it will ever come.
As such, I’m getting cozy with my desperately-throwing-things-in-the-air-while-searching-for-the-pizza-coupons routine (on nights when take-out is the only reasonable option). If I need a measuring tape? Let’s just say a nice prayer before yanking open the drawer. It may still be in there! It will not be neatly wound up. Bonus tip: in the meantime, if you’re looking for nifty storage ideas, head over to Kitchen Professor for some great recommendations.
At this stage, my life is not presently addressed in an orderly fashion. Largely, it is addressed with a fervent hope that my children and dressed and fed and a whole lot of extra coffee.
For now, this may be enough.
Someday, I may have adorable labelled caddies. This someday will not be today. Today, I will shove aside Bic lighters and paper pads while I madly search for the needed paper clip that will most assuredly bring order to my day…
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Frugalistablog says
My junk drawer is a collection of frights. Birthday candles, dog collar, batteries, and 5 year old Altoids. It’s time to attack it!
Meredith says
“Collection of frights”–couldn’t have put it better! Godspeed.
Cynthia Gabriele Sprouts Consignment Boutique says
Bigger kitchen=more junk drawers! I have not mastered the skill of not stashing things in these drawers knowing they will serve me no good by the time I find just where I stashed exactly what I need, that I know I have but, can not find it so I buy more. Yes, only to misplace those too!
Meredith says
Never-ending cycle of madness 😉
Janine Huldie says
You made me smile reading this, because I tried so hard this past weekend (and even shared it on my own blog) to organize better now that Emma is in Kindergarten, because I also had a junk drawer and then some. I think right now I am ok after what I did do to combat it, but let’s see in a few weeks if I can actually keep up with my own system. Seriously, I was never this messy and like you I blame it on being a mom and the kids (that’s my story and sticking to it!).
Meredith says
I love that you have a system and are trying! Keeps the hope alive and keeps us sane in the process 😉
Keesha Beckford says
Want to know the sad thing? The other day as I was going around my house, I realized that almost every drawer that is not for clothes, which is kind of a lot, is a junk drawer. This is what it has come to. Please nominate me for one of those shows where you go out for dinner and they do a total reorg for you. Either that or where they burn all your clothes and redo your wardrobe. I’m not picky.
Meredith says
Off to complete nomination process…;) xoxoxo
Chris Carter says
LOVE!!! I am later in this motherhood gig, and I STILL have a junk drawer!!! It’s the inevitable abyss, that I gladly throw anything I have no place for in it. I figure- lets get the rest of my life organized before a stupid drawer. Amen?
Now, THAT will take a lifetime anyway. 🙂
Meredith says
“Inevitable abyss” is such a nice way to put it too…here’s to small slices of organization wherever we can eke them out!
Stacey @nursemommylaughs says
I agree with Cynthia. The bigger the kitchen the more junk drawers you have. When we were kids, we had one. When we lived in our last house, the 4 of us managed out of 2 junk drawers. Now I think we have a drawer for each of us in the kitchen. Obscene, it is! Cute story.
Meredith says
Scary force that continues to grow in power! 😉
Kathy at kissing the frog says
Adorable labeled caddies? Stop. You’re teasing me. This is just what I want. I long for a place for everything and everything in its place. But I think that requires something else I don’t have, which is time. Sigh. If you ever get your drawers done, will you come and do mine?
Meredith says
Absolutely! Date in 20 yrs.?? 😉
Lisa @bitesforbabies says
We are kindred spirits!!! I am way too organized for my own good…everything about me says perfectionist, organized,etc. Having said that, I too have a junk drawer…a huge one! I have NO idea what’s at the bottom of that thing, lol! On other hand, I’ve come to terms with the fact that it’s OKAY to have a junk drawer…as long as everything else in my home is organized 😉
Meredith says
Right! It’s like it’s the safe place to stash up all the latent messy 🙂
Kathy Radigan says
I really relate to this and I’m always so happy when I organize my 2 drawers, the family junk drawer and my office junk drawer. I am sad to say though, that I find it hard to keep it up!!
Meredith says
I love that you have two junk drawers–me too! Way to keep it real 😉