Let’s be honest–there’s not a whole lot going for you in 8th grade. There’s the cute boy you’re crushing on, sure, but extensive orthodontia, zit-pocked faces and the very confusing matter of Your Period can often prevent you from making any real headway with the hottie in algebra. It’s rough, and forget your parents, AKA Aliens from Another Planet. So if you have a teacher who gets you? World of difference.
My world of difference was Mrs. McKinley. I have no idea why she loved me, but she did. For five years, because I was nerd enough to take Spanish electively for five years because I enjoyed it. She was fun. She was real. She was kind and she loved on her students. She tirelessly taught us conjugative verbs and proper nouns with a smile and a dash of humor. I would have shot myself in her position.
I will never forget wading through Don Quixote in all it’s glory for the expanse of senior year. I wanted to hate on the parts that were too challenging, but you know what? I loved it. All of it. And I would give a lot to go back to my 17 yr. old alert brain and read it in the original Spanish again.
I’ll never forget the CRAPPY day I was having one year, an exam day as luck would have it. Sensing that I was out of sorts, Mrs. McKinley patiently told me to regroup, try again, and allowed me to stay after to finish up.
But it wasn’t just that she was a good teacher and was caring to us. It was that she loved us.
It was that she stayed in touch long after graduation, loved on my 7 yr. younger sister the same way when she came through the Spanish-class ranks, still stays in touch with both of us today, and reads this blog.
Yeah, she’s an awesome woman. When my sister and her friends would show up on her porch every year and shout , “Pobre Innocente!“, she was thrilled to embrace those kiddos.
I’m so thankful for Mrs. McKinley and all the love and support she has poured in my life. As I zero in on midlife, I realize I may never have thanked her properly and this is terrifyingly sad.
My own mother was a dedicated high school teacher for 40 yrs. and I know how hard she worked. The thought that teachers might not know how much we appreciate them and how much inspiration they poured in our lives breaks my heart.
If you have a teacher you love? Go show them now! Check out this video from Kronos, explaining why we need to #ThankATeacher, and then go enter the Rafflecopter at the bottom to score a $50 Amex gift card for yourself and a $100 Staples gift card for your favorite teacher.
Bottom line? This is chance to love on some teachers who have really loved on us. They work so hard; let’s appreciate them!
And personally–THANK YOU MRS. MCKINLEY!!
*****This post is sponsored by Kronos Incorporated, but my love for teachers, especially Mrs. McKinley is 100% my own! *****
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Stephanie says
Awww. I love this post. Yay for Mrs. McKinley. (And what an awesome teacher name, it sounds as if it is straight out of a children’s book.)
My favorite teacher was Mrs. Lawrence because she introduced me to a lot of things outside of the classroom (service projects, the idea of foster care, out of which we eventually adopted our son, etc).
Meredith says
What an inspiring teacher, Steph 🙂
Jen says
I loved all my teachers growing up, but my heart will always remember ms McCann who really taught me how to love reading!!!!
Meredith says
The gift of reading is THE BEST gift!
Sara Webster says
My favorite teacher was Mr. Patton. From elementary to high school he played a huge role in preparing and challenging his students, not only academically, but for life itself.
Meredith says
Sounds like Mr. Patton was such a blessing!
Cynthia Gabriele Sprouts Consignment Boutique says
Mine was my math teacher in 7th grade, long deceased but, she never failed to ask my mother, at hthe senior center, how Cynthia was. She made learning fun not a chore. When I graduated from 8th grade she gave me a pair of white gloves telling me that all young ladies needed a pair, not sure about that but, the thought stay with me these so many years later!
Meredith says
Love the white gloves! This is perfect, Cindy!
Frugalistablog says
My favorite teacher is my drama teacher from high school, Lois Gorne, who I am still in touch with. I love that she sees me as an adult and all the things I’m capable of today. She also feels that her students were the special ones, not her. That’s what makes her so awesome.
Meredith says
Aw, she sounds amazing, Frugie!
Mary Happymommy says
My high school history teacher (junior year) was my favorite. He was tough and he used to make us read the New York Times and have quizzes on them every week.
Meredith says
Holy cow! That is tough, but sounds like he really cared!
Amanda Sakovitz says
I loved my 5th grade teacher Mrs Saltmarsh because she was tough but pushed me to do well.
Meredith says
It’s the tough ones we respect the most!
Thomas Murphy says
My 8th grade math teacher was my favorite because she helped me get ready for high school.
Meredith says
A tremendous gift indeed!
Adrienne Bolton says
How sweet, Meredith. I have a few teachers that stick out in my mind who made a big impact on me. Teachers really are something to celebrate!
Meredith says
Amen, Adrienne!
Elena says
My favorite is my first grade teacher because she was very nice and patient
Meredith says
Patience and niceness are two of the things students need the most!
Ellie W says
My favorite teacher was my third grade teacher, Mrs. Kennedy. She instilled in me a love for the written word.
Meredith says
Now THAT is a gift, Ellie 🙂
courtney b says
my math teacher was always there for me and helped me all the time even though i sucked at math!
Meredith says
I required SO much extra tutoring with math too, Courtney–God bless those patient teachers!
Tamra H says
My favorite teacher was my college Marketing professor, because he inspired me to make that my career!
Meredith says
Very cool, Tamra!
nicole dz says
My favorite teacher was named Mrs. Beams in middle school. She always went above
and beyond for her students and always offered extra after school help. She was
really dedicated to her teaching.
Meredith says
It’s those teachers who take the extra time, isn’t it, Nicole? 🙂
Jessica To says
My favorite teacher was my high school Latin teacher. He was very passionate about it.
Meredith says
Love those passionate teachers, Jessica 🙂
dan says
My favorite teacher in high school was Mrs. Dwight; she challenged me to read “something serious”
for book report because I was only into math and science. To a math student serious meant girth–
1300 pages of Anna Karenina by Tolstoy. After two years of plug and chug of engineering in college I bailed out because and eventually became a teacher of literature and leadership.
Now my favorite teacher is also Mrs. McKinley-thanks Meredith, very sweet of you.
Meredith says
That was some VERY serious reading, Mr. McKinley! Glad you are fan of Mrs. McKinley too 😉
Jennifer Marie says
My favorite was my 7th grade math teacher b/c she always tried to make learnng fun.
Meredith says
What a perfect approach, Jennifer! 🙂
Senora McKInley says
Mer, You really overwhelmed me with your blog! I can’t believe you did that! I read it through tears. Thank you so much for all of your kind words. As one of your bloggers said, it was the STUDENTS who were special. No special thank you is necessary……I am blessed by being able to follow your life and keeping “in touch”. ! The first blog of yours that I read, I told my husband that you really have a “knack” for writing and you will be “going somewhere” with it and I was right!
I’m basically at a loss for words how to thank YOU for so much! This was a wonderful surprise and especially kind of you. I feel so honored to be remembered in such a manner by you.
I can find a copy of Don Quixote if you would like!!!! I DID enjoy teaching that book. Each year group seemed to have a different ” take ” on the book.
This blog was a bittersweet reminder of how much I miss my students! Just continue to “believe in yourself and follow your dreams”! Abrazos, Senora
Meredith says
Mrs. McKinley, we love you!!!
Tabathia B says
My favorite teacher was my social studies teacher in 10th grade named Mrs. Hunt, she helped develop and encourage my love of history and english and gave me such a glowing reference even my very first job in high school.
Meredith says
Mrs. Hunt sounds like a wonderful teacher, Tabathia!
Jessie C. says
My favorite teacher was Mrs. White, my literature teacher who taught me to love and enjoy reading.
Meredith says
What a fantastic gift from Mrs. White 🙂
Gina M says
My favorite teacher was Mrs. Wheeler. I actually had her for both 3rd and 5th grade, which was great! She really made learning fun, and loved to bring history to life.
Entered the rafflecopter form as “Wild Orchid”
Thanks for the chance to win!
wildorchid985 at gmail dot com
Meredith says
Here’s to Mrs. Wheeler, Gina!
mita says
My favorite is my 7grade teacher because she was encouraging and patient!
Meredith says
Two very perfect qualities for a teacher to have, Mita!
Elizabeth J. says
My favorite teacher was my 4th grade teacher, Mrs. Spurlock. She really helped me gain confidence in math which I always struggled in.
Meredith says
Math was always such a tricky thing for me too, Elizabeth–glad you had Mrs. Spurlock!
nataly carbonell says
My favorite teacher was my 3rd grade teacher.She taught me more than just a math lesson, she helped me overcome my insecurities and have more confidence in myself.
Meredith says
THAT is a wonderful gift she gave you, Nataly!
kelly tillotson says
I had a high school AP history teacher named Ms Mocarski who was 1 tough cookie and really taught me to have a good work ethic. I so appreciate her for the impact she has had in my life.
Thank you!
Meredith says
Ms. Mocarski sounds like she was such a great teacher, Kelly!
Heather Hayes Panjon says
My Favorite Teacher Was My 5th Grade Teacher Mrs. Lord, She Made Learning So Much Fun And Taught Me Great Life Lessons!
Meredith says
What a wonderful 5th grade teacher you had, Heather!
Sonya Morris says
My history teacher in high school because she made learning fun.
Meredith says
Making learning fun is such a very cool gift to give kids!
Joan says
Currently my favorite teachers are the ones my kids are having. I’ve especially appreciated Mrs. Schwebel, my daughter’s kindergarten teacher. She has a kind, patient manner yet keeps the kids on track without raising her voice. Such growth I saw i my daughter in that year of kindergarten!
Meredith says
I know you must be so aware of all the great things teachers do, my friend! P.S. I heard that that Mr. Crick wasn’t such a bad one either?? 😉
Cálaeb Temple says
i loved my 5th grade teacher mrs. hurst. she was compassionate and had the ability to bring out the best from her students. she was always motivated to teach and honestly cared about her class.
Meredith says
Compassion is such a gorgeous trait, Calaeb!
Jessica Ward says
Thank you for the opportunity!
My favorite teacher was Mrs. Gray, she instilled on her students a lifelong love for learning, and now, as a teacher, I do my best to pass on this special gift to my kindergarteners. <3
Meredith says
I’m sure your work is such a lovely tribute to Mrs. Gray, Jessica!
amy pugmire says
I loved my first grade teacher. I had just moved to a new state and she made me feel so special and welcome.
Meredith says
Wonderful, Amy–how sweet!
Ashley Tucker says
My high school science teacher Mrs. Thomas because she made learning fun!
Meredith says
Mrs. Thomas sounds like a treasure, Ashley!
ellen casper says
My favorite teacher was in 7th grade science class – Ms. Roberts. Her class was hands on so it was fun.
Meredith says
Sounds like such a fun class, Ellen–and a wonderful teacher!
Julie says
I loved my second grade teacher Mrs. Edmister..She was so kind and patient with us kids.
Meredith says
It amazes me how patient teachers can be with kids, Julie! So sweet 🙂
Leidy says
I loved my Kindergarten teacher.She was my First Friend at school 🙂 I was a very shy little girl who had a hard time talking to others but Miss Dinora helped me open up. She was always there for me, encouraging me and making sure I was all right. God Bless her!
Meredith says
Aw! God bless Miss Dinora indeed!
Dawn Keenan says
My favorite teacher was Mrs. Waters, my 4-6th grade social studies teacher. She taught me how to live up to my potential, a skill I’m still perfecting to this day.
Meredith says
What an incredibly valuable life lesson, Dawn!
Natalie S says
My fave was my 4th grade teacher Ms. Jones b/c she truly cared for the students and made learning fun! She is actually the reason I got a degree in teaching 🙂
Meredith says
What a lovely legacy Ms. Jones passed on, Natalie!