I’m a gal of science. I believe in modern medicine and the good power of an antibiotic when I’ve got myself a raging UTI, but as time has marched on and rolled well into my 30s and find myself uber-connected with info that this little thing called the internet offers, a well submerged side of myself has started to push it’s way forward. Welcome, Inner Crunchy?
When a friend first described herself as a “homesteader who was moderately crunchy“, I thought she sounded incredibly boss. I also wondered if she was talking about a new type of granola bar.
She was not.
No, no, my hip friend was just throwing around the terms of times. The terms that describe the wave of self-sufficient living and relying on alternative foods, products, and treatments (to varying degrees). Too bad I could never be so cool as to so self-describe…
Except…except, the more I thought about it, I might have a crunch or two peeking out?
For years, I’ve been into essential oils & homeopathic remedies. It started with Arnica to treat some severe neck muscle pain I was having, and spiraled from there. I have used Rescue Remedy on myself, my children AND our dog. I could troll the aisles at our local whole foods store for hours exploring different options.
My chronic insomnia loves on melatonin, and when I was motivated to get off a particular anti-depressant a couple years ago? I delved into research of the clinically indicated levels for fish oil treatment efficacy and stocked up on my St. Johns Wort.
When my husband, who scoffs at most of my “latest and greatest ideas” agreed that a sunlight therapy lamp was probably a good investment, I fell off my rocker. Now I wouldn’t miss my daily morning date with the bright glowy box.
I have fun memories of teaching my mother to ear candle. As weird as it is to hold a burning flame over your ear, being able to hear so much better after you pull that huge glob of wax from your ear? Almost as cool as being able to breathe with ease after you flush a crap ton of snot from your sinuses with the netipot. Fantastically gross, I know.
I just wrote about my new obsession with oil-pulling. Two weeks later? I’m still going strong with my swishing, so I think this one may stick around for a while.
Life gets crazy, but I still force the time to go to my chiropractor once or twice a month. Those visits, with my herbal heat wrap and the very occasional massage I can eke into our budget do wonders for my migraines.
Listen, few to none of these things may actually work, and there will always be the naysayers on every side of the coin, but that’s not the point. See, I like life, and I always want to be able to live it feeling the best I possibly can. Sure, I do normal things to promote this, like growing my faith in God, exercising, drinking tons of water, working at getting enough sleep and embracing other relaxing activities (read: I knit furiously while watching Breaking Bad to self-soothe), but there’s always the hope that there will be some magical fix that will leave me saying, “Ahhhhh….”
I’m not up with the lingo or vested in the holistic culture, so I may be totally off, but I’m also wondering if I may now have become crunchy by accident? Who knows, but on the off chance that I can describe myself as “slightly crunchy”, I am feeling hip to the max.
And I’m pretty sure that by just saying “hip to the max” I became the biggest nerd in history. And that is also very cool with me.
First image credit: depositphotos.com, ID:4452318, copyright:matka_Wariatka
Second image credit: depositphotos.com, ID:24452359, copyright:Rangizzz
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Jen b says
You are crunchier than me! I love it!!!
Meredith says
You inspire me, my friend!
Kathy at kissing the frog says
We may have to chat more about some of these. I always have back and neck pain from falling asleep with my kids. And you must tell me about the St. John’s Wort. I have been oil pulling for about 2-3 weeks, and I can honestly say, my complexion looks better. I was having some skin issues, and they are all but gone. So I’m a believer!!
Meredith says
SO interesting about your skin and the oil pulling, Kathy! And you know I’m always up for a chat about my herbals 🙂
Parri (Her Royal Thighness) says
Just bought some Gaba at the health food/vitamin store. I couldn’t believe it. One pill made me feel as relaxed as if I just drank a glass of wine! My chiropractor recommended it for my daughter when she had a 6-week migraine. I’m a total believer in holistic therapies. After 6-weeks of neurologists, hospitals, endocrinologists and more, I watched my chiropractor take her pain from a 9 to a 3 in ONE VISIT! He pressed inside her mouth (her jaw) while pressing at the base of her skull and she felt her sinuses drain. He found pressure points and increased her blood flow. It sounds like mumbo jumbo, but he was the first person to give her relief. And her pain continued to improve (and eventually disappear) in subsequent visits! I’ve always wondered about that ear candle thing, though. Looks bizarre!
Meredith says
Parri, what a wonderful testimony to the power of holistic treatment! I have learned so much from my chiropractor too, and I am so glad your daughter got this kind of relief! Now I really, really want to try Gaba!
Frugalistablog says
Tell me about making a candle out of my ear wax now! I mean, lighting a flame above my ear. I want to do this!
Meredith says
Now we’ve got a plan for BlogU, huh? 😉
Jeannine says
I’ve never tried the ear candle, but I am pretty crunchy too. LOVE oil pulling, my chiropractor, and peppermint eo for my headaches. Love reading comments about others’ success stories!
Meredith says
Peppermint oil! Now THAT sounds interesting, Jeannine. Off to explore!