Darn bane of my existence
Winter is adorable.
Totally, utterly adorable in all its snow-covered death trap roads and sub-zero temps. Listen, I would be all over taking my kids out to frolic in the snow if my fingers didn’t instantaneously go numb whenever I opened the door. Raynaud’s Syndrome in these chilly months? A total peach. Not that I hate winter or anything…
The first time I thought we would all die from the peril of the icy roads, I wrote a post and felt heroic. (Honestly, I was thrilled with the opportunity to parallel myself to Maria Von Trapp–who wouldn’t be??). Yet after the fifth time in two months I found myself clinging to the steering wheel and praying for the safety of my children, I decided to regroup on my opinion. Not that I hate winter or anything…
You see, my coat was pretty awesome. Scoring it two years ago on an Old Navy Black Friday special for $15, I felt pretty boss in it. I’ve rocked it out to its fullest, even when it didn’t come close to matching my attire, just because it’s warm. But then…the zipper crapped out. Upon realizing this glitch, I may have teared up a little. Or a lot, but in any case, it was a sad moment in my Pennsylvanian suburbian money-saving life.
Whatever, we could go with this, right? I could bundle up with one of those groovy new scarves I have now dedicated all waking children-sleeping hours to producing and pretend I was cozy warm. Who cared if my coat was actually shut? Except…

Crap! Why do they have to be so cute when they play in the snow?
That sweet little bow-accented 2T coat my daughter has been sporting all winter? THE ZIPPER CRAPPED OUT. Nooooooooo….I could write Kohls a nasty letter and complain about the quality of the items they offer on super-discounted clearance in July (not that this is necessarily how I obtained the coat), but it seemed more mature to just whine incessantly to my husband that I HATE WINTER.
That I am done with it.
That I would prefer for it to “Please be Spring”.
Because, clearly, my opinion will make a firm difference in shifting the weather patterns. Mmhhhh…
Friends, I think I am officially bagging these frigid temps and the delight of hauling toddlers to preschool in the midst of the icicles. All you snow-covered mountain lovers/aka Maria Von Trapp throwbacks? Forgive me. Not that I hate winter or anything…
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Jessica says
Right there with you. I was loving winter for a couple days and now I’m over it.
Meredith says
Done with it. SO done with it, Jess.
Sarah says
I had a CHEAP coat a few years back that did the same. I decided to be proactive and have the zipper replaced- and yes, that cost more than the coat ever did at a whopping $25! I was so excited to pick it up and put it back on…. and then, I realized that clearly the zipper containted the spirit of the coat because it never fit the same again. I still mourn said coat, it was plaid, as all coats should be 😉 And I am SO with you, this weather (and days off school!!!) is just killing me.
Meredith says
That is brutal, Sarah. These darn zippers spoiling the whole thing! 🙁
Christine at More than Mommies says
Holy hell, Meredith. I am sporting a knee length Merona puffy jacket that I bought at Target three years ago. The thing was perfect! So warm, fit me perfectly. BUT the zipper is broken! I can’t bear to part with it! I keep saying oh I’ll just replace the zipper (read: get my mom to do it) but that isn’t happening any time soon. This is my second PA winter with a zipper less coat!! Bad. Bad! No mommy can’t hold your hand on the way to the bus stop because I’m holding my coat together… Bad!!
Meredith says
Christine, this is so me. So this settles it–we’ve now got the perfect excuse to go shopping!
Julia Sherwin says
You’re too funny! I have Raynaud’s, too. It’s nasty out there. I love my fenced in yard so that I can let them out back by themselves. As far as the coat situation, sounds like a fun shopping adventure for us! The winter stuff should be on sale right about now.
Meredith says
Oh I’m so sorry, my fellow Raynaud’s sufferer–this is brutal stuff. And YES! I think with your fashion-savvy, you would help me find something gorgeous. It’s a plan!
HouseTalkN says
I am so over winter. I’m starting to look like Jack from The Shining. It ain’t pretty.
Meredith says
Somehow hearing this just completely made my morning. Love you, lady/aka Jack.
Lori Wescott says
I spent an hour checking temperatures in other cities that I could fantasize about flying our family to. The problem- it’s cold everywhere. I, too, am SO over this weather.
Meredith says
This makes total sense to me. It’s the fantasy life that gets us through. Meet you in the Bahamas?
Molley@A Mother Life says
What is it with zippers these days? Every one of my kids’ hoodies have broken zippers. Grrr
and as for winter I say we protest that shit!
Meredith says
Excellent. We will start a campaign immediately, Molley.
Sara says
Love this!
Meredith says
Thanks for reading, Sara!
Kim says
Zippers. Both an amazement and the bane of clothing. Oy. Get a good coat. It makes a huge difference!
Meredith says
Sounds like a plan, Kim 🙂
Jessica Cobb says
Snow is for Christmas, period. Cold sucks, but at least without snow the kids aren’t begging to go play outside. I’m with you. Winter is not my favorite.
Meredith says
#prayingforsummerNOW, Jessica!
Christian at Point Counter-Point Point Point says
We just got our first snow today. First in a couple years actually. It’s about 1/2 inch and the city is in panic mode. Schools are being let out early, Freeways are already being closed due to accidents. Chaos. I’m currently checking all my jacket zippers.
Meredith says
The zippers are always the best place to start when there is a snow emergency of such epic proportions, Christian.
Amy - Funny Is Family says
We had a zipper fail today, too. Blerg.
Meredith says
Exclusively snaps from here on out, I’m thinking, Amy.
AnnMarie says
I’ll say it: I hate winter! I love a white Christmas but then can it be spring? I’d rather walk around in a tank top, shorts and flip flops eating freeze pops to stay cool than wear 7 layers of clothes and a coat, boots and gloves. Plus, after I get Gia all dressed to go, she has to pee. Every.Single.Time.
P.S. I hate when a good coat’s zipper craps out.
Meredith says
It’s the peeing that gets me. Always the peeing that seals the deal…carry on, fellow winter warrior. xo