Alright, you may have heard me rave about Penny Jules once or twice before. That’s because you’re obsessed with her, Meredith.
Okay, I am obsessed with her, but for excellent reason. Heather, the gal behind Penny Jules, is rocking the socks off the jewelry world. You see, she makes all of her own stuff. And it’s gorgeous. And creative. Really creative. Her items never fail to wow and impress me.
Check out some of these pics from her line:

Mother Bird & Nest Earrings
These kind of break my heart with their sweetness

A bracelet similar to this is what started my whole love affair with Penny Jules

I can’t tell you how much I love my Tree of Life Pendant and Turquoise Ring (and how many compliments I have gotten on both)–excuse the poor attempt at a selfie
I would be remiss, however, if I didn’t mention that a huge part of my adoration of Penny Jules is because she is NICE. As in, super-nice. She is friendly, kind, very on-her-game and easy to work with. I love that she treats each customer as an individual and is willing to work on creating custom orders.
Recently, I had a jewelry crisis. How does one have a jewelry crisis, I know? But I did somehow manage to have one, and Heather was able to fix it–with savvy, speed and sweetness. She even let me call her up and whine about the whole scenario, listening patiently, and doing her darnedest to keep me from flipping out. Ask my husband; this isn’t an easy thing to do.
Bottom line, Penny Jules is fantastic and I feel very blessed that our paths have crossed on this earth. I can’t believe all that she has managed to accomplish in one short year and I’m so excited to see where all of her future years take her!
So get to it, readers! Enter below for a chance to win a $50 credit to her store, and then go ahead and SHOP for some Valentine’s gifts (or just a few special winter treats for yourself!) at a 20% off discount (promo code ANNIVERSARY1). Isn’t Heather so kind to celebrate her 1 year by letting US be the ones to save money?? Love her!
Thank you, Heather–for being so great and for sharing all of your awesomeness with us!
And bone up on what jewelry works for your skin tone with some additional reading!
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Teri says
The Valentine’s Day heart earrings are so cute!!
Heather says
Thank you Teri!
Ashley @ 3littlegreenwoods says
Jewelry is my favorite! I would love to add some Penny Jules pieces to my collection!
Heather says
I would love for you to have some Penny Jules creations to add to your collection as well. Thank you for visiting.
Bonnie a.k.a. LadyBlogger says
Happy anniversary! I really enjoy reading your blog and this contest is great! 🙂
Heather says
Thank you Bonnie. I can’t believe it’s been a year! I wouldn’t have been able to make it without the support of friends like Meredith.
Hollow Tree Ventures says
Those wire-wrapped turquoise pendants are GORGEOUS!
Heather says
Thank you! I love making them. As well as tailoring them to fit customers likes.
Bonnie a.k.a. LadyBlogger says
Deciding how to spend the $50 was not easy because this lady makes a lot of cute things! I think the bird’s nest with the two eggs might be my favorite…maybe earrings with that.
Heather says
Bonnie I love that you’re already deciding what you want. $50 would be enough to get a bird nest pendant and matching earrings! Good luck. 🙂
Jessica says
You are as cute as the jewelry!
Heather says
Jessica thank you. Meredith is adorable isn’t she? And one of the sweetest ladies I’ve ever had the pleasure of meeting.
WhenCrazyMeetsExhaustion says
Happy 1-year, Penny Jules! I like jewelry 🙂
Heather says
Thank you. Jewelry is fun! I love how it takes things up a notch. 😉
Suzanne says
Love your giveaways and now homemade jewelry? Perfect combo!
Heather says
Who doesn’t like free jewelry right!?!
Amy - Funny is Family says
Happy anniversary! I’ve got my eye on the earrings. All of them.
Heather says
Thank you! haha Well if you win $50 that will get you A LOT of earrings 😉
Kate says
Love my Penny Jules ring!!
Heather says
I’m so glad you like it Kate! I loved making it. Thank you for entering.
Sisterhood of the Sensible Moms says
Awesome! Ellen
Heather says
Thanks for entering Ellen. And thanks for always making me laugh, I love reading Sisterhood of the Sensible Moms 🙂
Naps Happen says
Beautiful jewelry! This is a great giveaway.
Heather says
Thank you! I love doing giveaways.
Renae says
What girl doesn’t like jewelry? This is awesome! And her stuff looks amazing!
Heather says
Thank you Renae. Good luck!
Shele says
Well, if I win…….I will start with the owl earrings I saw earlier in the week, then move on from there.
Heather says
A woman after my own heart, decisive. Thanks for entering Shele.
Gail says
I love your stuff! I’m just bummed I didn’t discover it sooner! 🙂
Heather says
Thank you Gail!
Courtney says
Oh! Her stuff is so beautiful!!!!
Heather says
Thank you Courtney.
Chris Carter says
I love her stuff!! And to think that she is SUPER nice just makes me want to go and buy every last piece…
Heather says
Thank you so much Chris!
Erika says
Ummmm…–yes please! Especially as pretty as her stuff is! Thanks for offering such a great giveaway!
Heather says
Thank you Erika! Thank you for entering.
Susan @Divine Secrets of a Domestic Diva says
Happy birthday to Penny Jules! Love the stuff!
Heather says
Thank you Susan. 🙂
Sara says
My gracious! Such beautiful creations! Thanks for the opportunity to win 🙂
Heather says
Thank you Sara!
Roshni says
Definitely very pretty!!
Heather says
Thank you Roshni
Melissa says
Oohh…I’ve got my eye on a few different necklaces! So unique!
Heather says
Thank you for entering Melissa. I love making one of a kind pieces.
Karen C says
Your jewelry is gorgeous! I would totally use the certificate on heart & arrow earrings and the turquoise owl pendant….if I don’t buy them first!
Heather says
Thank you Karen; And thank you for entering. I love your decisiveness. Good Luck!
Tara Dostalik says
Lovd the Tree of Life pendant!
Heather says
Thank you Tara. I love making them, and how every one is different.