When Ultimate Outlet asked me to review their site, I was all, “twist my arm”…the thing is, I kind of love online shopping. As in, I don’t go to stores. Something about the whole children screaming at me and running under random doors in the dressing room is just a turn-off. Out of mom-of-young-kids necessity, I have spent the last 4 years honing my online shopping skills. I can rock promo codes and accurately predict how things will actually fit with the best of them. And honest truth? It’s kind of fun. We have kicked naps to the curb around here, so long chunks of downtime are no more, but give me 5 minutes and some mindless internet window shopping? Almost as sweet as a glass of wine. In any case, I squeed with glee and raced over to the site. And HOLY COW. I fell in love. Ultimate Outlet is chock full of fresh fashion. Our budget doesn’t allow me to indulge in the newest trends very often, but the prices are so low at www.ultimateoutlet.com, I would be able to score some fun finds so easily. I have learned that even adding one or two cool pieces to your wardrobe can really add a lot of spunk and flavor. Plus, it kind of makes me feel less like a SAHM who never leaves the house and more like a woman of the world who could maybe leave the house. New stuff can be a really groovy thing. I am also one who is super-loathe to mix it up, but again, these prices are so low! For a few dollahs, I would be willing to kick my rut and try a few new things, even if it’s not my usual style (read: Target sweaters and Levi jeans with hair messily pulled back with a hair-tie). I am not a fur-wearing kind of gal, but a $114 dress for $10 that got awesome reviews AND has shapewear built in? Oh yeah, I could be brave and wear faux fur…
I should be caught dead versus ever considering to wear a swimsuit like this. But for $5 and more shapewear promises? I could try it. Even if I wore it once, it would be pretty darn groovy to pretend I was this fashionable. And the support looks out-of-this-world…
I don’t do feathers…but I could… (And yes, P.S. This really is only $7)
Or, more practically, stock up on the basics. Yes, they have these fantastic camis for $9.
So make tracks, run, knock a few innocent bystanders down in your mad rush to Ultimate Outlet. They’ve got cool stuff. For really cheap. Enough said.
This post is sponsored by Ultimate Outlet, but all opinions remain 100% mine.
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