I think she just oozes hip and witty
I am feeling a little faint from happiness right now because today the lovely Paige Kellerman is hanging out here, and answering some very pressing questions while I pimp and GIVE AWAY two copies of her new book, At Least My Belly Hides My Cankles. If you didn’t score a copy in last week’s Summer Reading Giveaway, here is your chance!
Her book came out the same day as my husband’s birthday. I did remember to wish him a happy day in the morning before reminding him that Paige’s book was coming out. As Paige noted, it will be nice that we can always celebrate his birthday and the anniversary of her first book on the same day. My husband is thrilled, of course.
Paige’s blog, There’s More Where That Came From, was one of the first I found when I fell into this blogging world, and she is an inspiring example. She is someone who has clung to her voice and her goals while radiating savvy coolness. I love her writing and her wit kills me.
To humor me, Paige was kind and and answered a few serious questions that were really weighing on me. Read on to get a little slice of her amazing-ness:
Important question first: If you had to pick your favorite co-blogger, who would be be? Obviously, pick from either Meredith Spidel or The Mom of the Year.
I really prefer not to say. Ok, fine, I guess it would be The Mom of the Year. That Meredith has shifty eyes and uses bigger words than I’m accustomed to. Sometimes she sounds smarter than me. And in every picture I’ve ever seen of her, her hair looks great. I feel like I’ve already said too much.
Your book is loaded with too-true truths. I want to give it to all my friends who haven’t yet had kids for educational purposes, but won’t b/c I am not purely evil. Straight up–what is the worst part of pregnancy? Are there any parts you actually enjoyed?
For me, the worst part has got to be not being able to have a couple beers at the end of the day. Hands down. Like I say in the book, I wasn’t totally sure babies didn’t like gin and tonics, but I thought I’d err on the side of caution.
But, besides the obvious plus of the super cute and totally worth it baby at the end, I do enjoy the fact I’m allowed not to have perfect abs for nine months, and also that I can get out of waiting in some lines ….especially lines for ice cream or maternity leggings.
I generally wanted to strangle my husband throughout most of both my pregnancies. In your expert opinion, is how normal is this?
This is actually an extremely normal phenomena. It’s hard not to strangle someone who’s holding a beer and asking you if you can help route cable through the house, even though you haven’t seen your own feet since Christmas.
This book is only a slice of your wit and intelligent funny. Please tell me this book was the first in series about having children?
*Fans self dramatically* You’re too kind. But seeing as I love to shamelessly self-promote, I will say that I just started work on The Beer’s Folded and the Laundry’s Cold: Mostly-True Adventures in Housewifery. The next installment takes a look at how I moved from my cubicle to becoming a full-time stay at home mom.
I read your stuff and want to move into your house so I can just be in your presence and laugh my days away. How do you feel about psychotic fan stalkers?
You’re welcome anytime! That said, I may make you sit on the deck with me and drink Stra-beer-itas, my newest love. You also have to listen to the first draft of whatever I’m writing and tell me it’s the next great American novel. I prefer when my company humors me and pretends they don’t notice I just snorted my drink out my nose.
Obviously (and finally), I am in love with Paige Kellerman and have been for some time. What fan swag do you see coming down the pike? As in, should I make room for awesome t-shirts or clear space in the cabinet for coffee mugs? I like to plan ahead.
I wish I were that enterprising. I truly do. Nothing’s in the works yet, but for the Mom of the Year, I just may find a really sweet sweatshirt from Goodwill (preferably with a cat or elk on it) and sign it and send it your way in time for Christmas. I hope that’s what you meant, because it was supposed to be a surprise.
In the meantime, thank you for letting me visit!
So dear readers, BUY HER BOOK. Actually, first enter this giveaway to try and win one of the two signed copies up for grabs, but if you don’t win, BUY IT. Read it, laugh, and you’ll thank me later. Gift it to anyone who has ever been pregnant, who is pregnant, who may become pregnant or knows anyone who what pregnancy means. Best baby shower gift on this earth.
How can you win one? Head over and follow Paige on either Facebook and/or Twitter (this is the honor system people, so do me proud!) and then leave a comment below before Friday, July 26, 5am EST. As long as you live in the continental U.S., you’re eligible. If it’s helpful to have a prompt for the comment, tell us the first thing you think of when you hear the word “pregnant”.
And Paige? I’m COUNTING ON that elk sweatshirt–don’t crush my Christmas dreams. xo.
7/29/13 UPDATE: Congrats to Erika and Amy for winning Paige’s book! Happy reading and snorting!
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