Now if I can just stay up late enough to hear the cork pop, I’m golden. The party is on, ladies!
A very unusual thing is happening this weekend. This Mom of the Year is going out. And by out, I mean really out, as in, the entire way to Pittsburg out. And when I get there, I am GOING TO MEET SCARY MOMMY. And not only meet, but like, hang out with her. There are rumors of the Melting Pot and beverage. And I like beverage. And I really like her. Also, if I can’t stop saying “like” and start talking in full sentences, I doubt she will want to be caught dead with me. Must work on that.
Anyway, while meeting Jill Smokler could easily give me months of squee-worthy material, I am very pumped to meet some friends who I’ve been “hanging out with” for quite a while, but have not yet been able to hug in person. Stephanie of When Crazy Meets Exhaustion and Christine and Janene of More than Mommies have been a rock solid support system in this blogging world. If you aren’t into blogging, it’s easy to overlook how real the laughs, tears, fears and victories can be on the interwebs, but what I’ve shared with these ladies can be described as nothing less than true friendship. So glasses up, ladies! After I get my hugging in, we are partying this night away in celebration of our togetherness!
Now lest you think this weekend will be all sunshine and roses, rest assured–it is fraught with problems. Not only will I be introducing myself to Amanda of Questionable Choices in Parenting for the first time, I am going to be sleeping in the same room with her and trying desperately not to wake her up with my excessive nighttime teeth-grinding…Yeah, I’m going to just go ahead and put an apology fruit basket in the mail now, Amanda. I’m so sorry.
Also, the panic about what to wear started months ago. It is frightening what a huge deal I can make about any attire choice to event where yoga pants may be inappropriate. It is also incredibly annoying, and I should probably send some of those apology fruit baskets to most of my IRL friends as well. I’ll get right on this after I finish hyperventilating into a paper bag.
I think I’ve settled on a pretty dress, but despite my small boob size, I can’t seem to squeeze them in to the dress. I may have given my blogging friends a head’s up that within seconds of meeting them, I’m going to be requiring their help stuffing the girls into the zipper. Amazing icebreaker, no? Yes, I am available to be contracted out for your next party…
And it’s probably better I don’t start thinking about the driving (not something I’m especially good at) or packing dilemmas (is 4 suitcases too many for an overnight?). No, I am just going to stay focused on the fun, friends and chance to meet Scary Mommy.
Let’s really be honest–a night away without the kids would be awesome no matter where or with whom it was going down. Bring on the jail cell or a hospital room, I wouldn’t really care. I AM LEAVING THE HOUSE.
Step aside, my friends, this Mom is stepping out.
All the thanks in the world to Stephanie of When Crazy Meets Exhaustion for organizing this whole fantastic event and welcoming me! If you are in the Pittsburgh area, please swing by so you can say hello to Scary Mommy yourself! We’d love to see you!
The meet and greet is being held from 5:30-7:30pm EST this Saturday, 6/29/13,at the Sheraton at Station Square, and all are welcome!
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