Chris Carter of The Mom Cafe has captured my heart. Her genuineness and kindness reinforce that online friendships can be things of significant and true blessing in our lives, even in some ways that real life relationships can’t. I often long for when we can meet up for a good chat, followed by a lovely glass of wine and loads of laughs. She’s the real deal, and if you’re not reading her blog, you should be. Her guest post here a few months ago spoke to so many people! Chris slams out every post with heart and love, and she just makes me want to squeeze her a little bit more with each post. Read what she has to say below about being a Mom of the Year; and fair warning–you’re going to fall in love with her, too. Also, she’s really, really funny.
This is Motherhood
When Meredith asked me to be a Mom Of The Year guest, I squealed with excitement and immediately plotted and planned my strategy for my piece. I came up with a brilliant idea! I was going to get all my material from the ones who would easily and immediately vote me the BEST “Mom Of The Year”!! Who better to be on your side and fuel your narcissistic flames than your beloved kids?
Oh, this was going to be good!
I pictured the scene unfolding before my eyes…
I would ask the kids, “Why would you vote for me to be Mom Of The Year?”
And the reasons would start pouring in…
I wouldn’t be able to shut them up!!!
They would say share so many great stories about how much fun I am as their mom!!! They would thank me for always having a home that is open to their friends and loving and hospitable. And they would share all those tender moments we have had through the years, where I taught them valuable life lessons. I am sure they would share all the times I dug them out of trouble or defended them believing their truth. They would recall all the long days and nights spent caring for them when they were sick… the doctor appointments and hospital visits and procedures and surgeries… always by their side and holding them close. They would remember the birthday parties I sweated over and the five hundred volunteer hours I have donated. I know they would surely share how beautiful I keep our home and how I slave to keep us all organized and prepared for each and every day/event/activity/. Oh, I bet they would go on and on about the great clothes I always buy them and how they never need for anything to wear in any season. I pictured them starting to cry in a newfound realization at the wonders of all I do for them. They would hug me and tell me how blessed they are to call me their mom…
Yes. It was going to be great!
The next morning, I told them that I have a very important question for them to answer. I told them about Meredith’s blog and how I need to share why I am Mom Of The Year. Oozing with bubbling excitement for their response, anticipating the overflow of love and gratitude that I would soon be drenched in… Here’s how it played out:
“So why do you guys think I can be called ‘Mom Of The Year’?”
In unison: “Cause you love us!!!”
“Okay- yes I do! That’s a good start! Can you share more about how I love you and what makes me so great?”
“Umm… lets go. We’re gonna be late for school!”
“NO. We have ten minutes and I really need to know, so I can write my piece today! Now, (slow breath in, patience found again) think about all the things I do and could you just share a little bit about that?”
“You feed us.”
“Okay. Yes I do! What else?”
“You like my butt.”
“Well, that’s very true Cade. Your butt is the cutest part of you. But I really don’t know if I should put that in there. ”
“Come on MOM! We need to go!!!”
“Cassidy- are YOU the boss around here? Hmm? I AM THE BOSS. I will decide when we go. DO you understand?”
“Yes, mom.”
“Now…lets go.”
After we did our morning prayer on the way to school, I reminded them that the “Mom Of The Year” discussion would continue after school.”
“Keep thinking kids! I know you got more than that!!”
Realizing it was probably not the best time to ask them such a significant and critical question, I decided after school we would sit down at the table and have a clear headed discussion that would be much more fruitful…
For me.
Scene II
Running in the house throwing backpacks and lunch boxes and school papers askew…
Our first “free day” that was beautiful weather and they desperately wanted to go outside to play.
“WAIT ONE MOMENT!! We have something we need to do before you go outside…”
“Ah MOM! We want to go PLAY!”
“This won’t take too long. Please! For me! Just do this- write down a top ten list of why I am Mom Of The Year.”
I scurry to get some paper and pencils…
“Ugh… Can’t we do this later??!!”
“No. You have homework to do later and I know the night will fly by. Why is it so hard to do this one thing for me?? Come ON!!!! Just simply jot down your reasons and you can be outside in no time!!”
“I don’t know anything else to write.”
“Seriously??? You can’t come up with more than THREE things I do good as a mom?! Well, you are NOT leaving this house until you come up with TEN. You hear me?!!”
“Yes.” Heard by both with a dismissive and disgruntled tone.
(Oh dear, perhaps I should have reminded them again of all my great qualities as a mom)
“Hey- why don’t you guys think about all the funny things I do? Or all the organizing and cleaning I do? Or hey- how about all the times I stayed up with you all night when you were sick?”
“DONE! I’m outta here!!!” My daughter runs out of the house.
“Aw MAN!! Mommy!! I wanna be done!!”
“Then focus and finish up with some really GREAT ones!!!”
(Big long sigh…as he appears to be working on some tenth grade algebra equation)
“Okay mommy. I’m done.”
He runs out as though I had held him captive for days.
My little plan did not go at all like I dreamed…
Here are the lists:
Child #1:
1. Funny
2. Loving
3. Clean
4. Organized
5. Food
6. Shelter (wow.)
7. Water (really?)
8. Friends love you
9. Take care of us
10. Love us to death
Child #2:
1. Love my butt
2. (Can’t read this one- illegible)
3. Love me
4. Care for me
5. Shelter (Copy cat)
6. Helps me
7. Pretty
8. Food (Cheater)
9. Water (seriously?)
10. (Illegible- again)
I guess I’ll take what I can get…
This. Is. Motherhood
And one small favor before you check out today? My friend Steph of When Crazy Meets Exhaustion took an incredibly funny pic and entered it in the contest to have Scary Mommy come to the winner’s hometown bearing goody bags and libation (woo-hoo!). I love Steph, but I confess to a slightly selfish interest in this contest–if she wins, there is a good chance I can get in on the fun and attend the party myself!
So what can you do to help make this dream come true? One click, truly! Head over to the Facebook page and vote for the pic of the little boy sitting on the potty by clicking on it. You can vote every day through Sunday, May 12. Thank you and know that it’s appreciated!
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