I have a very good husband. Let me scratch that. I have an amazing, wonderful, salt-of-the-earth husband. I know I will never be able to keep pace with him, so I don’t even try. He’s even cooler because in more recent times, the poor guy has had to put up with so much “charmingness”.
Most notably, this blogging thing has only slightly taken over our lives. It can’t be an easy thing to wrap your head around as a spouse? My unswerving dedication to the sport of online bargain shopping, refusal to take down the Christmas cards until July, and firm belief that anything printed in Star magazine is gospel truth all have to be interesting pills to swallow as well.
Here’s the the thing, I can’t promise to be perfect or even close to, but I can make few promises to my husband that I will faithfully cling to:
I will never understand html code. I will always be able to work myself to the point of tears when the computer is hating me, and I will always think you are a hero for all the times you come in, press one button and magically fix everything.
I will likely never get all the laundry folded and put away neatly before you come home. I will always wish I was pulled together enough to do so, and if you ever completely run out of clean boxer shorts I will figure out some way to order a new pack online and have them over-nighted for free.
I will always prefer Gilmore Girls re-runs to anything on the History Channel. This will never change. Good news for you because you will never feel like you have to buy up the cable package to include the History Channel for my sake. The pressure is off.
You will always have food to eat. Freshness and expiration dates may be negotiable, but it will be there and I will try to not burn everything I make.
Yardwork and pool care will always seem overwhelming to me, but for you, I will try. Or at the very least, I will take care of the children and we will bang on the windows and wave at you when you are digging holes outside. I will always find it confusing why we need so many holes dug, but I trust you that it’s necessary.
I will always text pictures like this of myself when I have a major migraine and am scaring the other mothers at preschool drop-off. I love you so much I want you to share in the experience.
I will always love you. I will always screw up. I will always try harder. And I will always think you are a rockstar.
Also, Star magazine is a respectable news source.
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