May we rest in the glory of His peace
I wasn’t planning to post this morning. All the usual players were in the game–tiredness, exhaustion, not being able to keep up, blah, blah, blah…but then I woke up with a jolt at 2:36am. As hard as I tried to pass this off as waking up because I had to pee or typical poor sleep, God was trying to tell me something. You see, right before going to bed, I had been praying for clarity. He delivered. And then I had that convicting and unnerving certainty that I had to share it on my blog, so…here I am, wee hours typing.
What did He say?
Overwhelmed trying to manage an obscene amount of things because you bit off more than you can chew? God.
Panicking over the cost of what you just spent on your daughter’s new shoes because those darn adorable little feet won’t stop growing? God.
Uncertain about how to muster the savvy to handle that impossibly delicate situation? God.
Feeling like you want to bang your head against the wall if you have to change one more diaper or refill one more sippy cup? God.
Cranky with your husband for being so male? God.
Eyes glazing over because you can’t possibly muster the energy to nod your head politely in awkward social situations one more time? God.
Certain you will never successful see your children through their school years if you struggle to keep up with the demands of preschool? God.
He didn’t say “Fuss, worry and analyze every situation a million times over.” He didn’t say, “Whine to anyone who will listen.”
Nor did He say “Pray”, “Consult with your Bible study group” or even “Read scripture”, though I know these things would lend peace as well. He just said “God.”
So that’s my answer. That’s my one-word answer. And that’s all the answer I need.
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