Who knows where this evening is leading?
This could be one wild ride, my friends…
You all know what I’m talking about. We live for it. We long for it. We cherish that precious slice of time at night after the kiddos are safely stashed in their beds and a pass has been made at pretending to create some sense order in the house before Mr. Sandman visits.
It is an odd sense of quiet and peace ripe with possibility.
This may finally be the moment when astounding productivity sets in! Bring on that long-lost scrapbooking hobby! I have strong feeling that tonight is somehow the night that all the photos of the last 18 months will fly like wildfire to the pages of albums in a Martha Stewart-like approved fashion. Order and harmony will be restored to the chaotic mess of unorganized pictures, and I sense a huge checkmark being made on the to-do list.
Or maybe I should take up knitting? Wait, didn’t I already do that last year? And I’m pretty sure my husband is still ticked at me over all that yarn and wooden needle set stashed under my bed. Let’s just play this safe and learn an entirely new craft of something that might fit more realistically into my life. I hear stained glass art is a lot of fun?
Maybe I should just focus on something smaller and more necessary, like catching up on e-mails. Or printing out all the Groupons I’ve bought over the past several months. Or listening to my voicemail for the first time in 2 weeks. Or trying to understand how a group board really works on Pinterest. Crap. I think we are now looking at an all-nighter. Are we totally sure that speed is illegal and a bad idea?
Probably best to just relax and settle in for a good read. Where to start? The book that is now overdue at the library? The one lent by a friend over a year ago? The ebook that I downloaded back when I remembered how to download a book to my ereader? Do I know what exactly “my ereader” is anymore? Could I read all of these in one evening?
I’m not even looking at the accumulating pile of magazines because I am actively working to move beyond depression in my life.
Right. Scratch all this. Tonight is definitely the night for a nice face mask.
Or maybe I’ll just wash my face.
Those all-in-one make-up remover/cleanser wipes actually work really well.
But really, how much make-up did I even put today?
Oh let’s be honest, just pass me my phone and I’ll happily zone out in bed on my word game. I’ll be zonked in 20 minutes anyway.
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