Step aside, evil winter. Spring is making some gains and will officially boot your butt to the curb on March 20th. In the meantime, I refuse to be taken down any further by your nasty, grouchy biting winds and requisite extra 16 minutes required to get the children suited up in hats and mittens any time I try to leave the house. I’m going to call the positive here and focus on some of the good things about this month:
1. The Ides of March happens on 3/15 and I think this is a cool thing? I have vague knowledge that this in some way relates back to Julius Caesar. My husband is now trying not to hyperventilate over my shocking, yet very real, lack of historical knowledge. I’m sorry, babe. I suck.
2. Once in March I won a giveaway. It was for a box of dog treats, but nonetheless, I won it and this has always warmed my heart to the month of March.
3. We are officially one month closer to summer than we were in February. (nothing but hard-hitting realizations from this Mom of the Year…).
4. C’mon, who doesn’t love St. Paddy’s Day? Bring on your inner-Irish!
5. Not that I don’t LOVE preschool drop-off and pick-up, but at this point, it’s only a matter of months before we can bid adieu to the joyful process for spell.
6. It’s claiming Easter this year. Yes, my poor daughter will freeze her bum off in her cute little spring dress, but chocolate eggs and bunnies are never a bad thing in my book. Go you, March, for hosting the Resurrection of Christ this year.
7. It’s home to today’s version of Finding the Funny! You know I love this link-up. I laugh, I squeal, and I laugh some more. Hands down, one of the happiest days of any month, but today, here’s to you, March!
Shed your winter blehs and ring in spring with some serious funny!
Welcome to March’s Finding the Funny!
Meet the Hosts
Anna @ My Life and Kids
Kelley @ Kelley’s Break Room
Robyn @ Hollow Tree Ventures
Kerry @ HouseTalkN
Keesha @ Mom’s New Stage
Meredith @ The Mom of the Year
Anna @ Random Handprints
Toulouse @ Toulouse and Tonic
And welcome to our new hosts!
Julie @ I Like Beer and Babies
Ellen and Erin @ Sisterhood of the Sensible Moms
The Rules
Link up an old or new funny post. Link up as many times as you want (we’re serious.)
The party is open until Friday at midnight. The earlier you link up, the more clicks you’ll get.
Click around and meet the other funny bloggers that are linking up.
Follow the Finding the Funny Pinterest board. We’ll all be pinning our favorites throughout the month.
We don’t ask you to link back to us or include a button on your blog, but we do ask you to send out a tweet or post about the party on your Facebook page. Be sure to use #findingthefunny.
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