Do you all know the sweet, sweet Chris Carter from She is one of my absolute favorite bloggers. She has that blessed gift of nailing the heart and the funny at the same time, and she does it all while being incredibly real. I can’t tell you how much some of her posts have encouraged me and fed my faith at times when I was definitely in need of a boost. One if her most recent posts, about what our New Year’s resolution should actually be, has resonated powerfully with me. Go check her out, fall in love with her and let her know how much you like her stuff! And if you want even more of Chris and her awesomeness, she’s got a book, Maddening and Marvelous that you can snag up on Amazon.
Last week I wrote about feeling the overwhelm of the New Year. After this, I chatted with Chris a little more, and she completely “got” what I was feeling and then felt lead to share this. Her take on how we can tackle all that is on our plate is just so very on-point. Tune in, readers, and hoping we can all grasp that “one small task”. Thanks so much, Chris!
Within one week I lost a dear friend, welcomed the New Year in, my Father-In-Law had open heart surgery, and my sister was getting tests to see if her cancer came back. Then there were the little things… New Year’s Eve gathering, taking down decorations, cleaning the house and getting the kids back in school, and an amazingly emotional women’s group that I host in my home. Both the big and the little seem to sometimes stampede me and I start to crumble. Looking at my “to do” lists and knowing that my mother and sister will be in town for a week, makes my nerves revved up a bit.

The list may seem benign, but the wisdom needed to handle it all is huge!
I sit here frozen, knowing the fridge is overflowing with old Holiday food that needs to be cleaned out, my house is a mess and the laundry is piling up, my 2013 calendar sits next to me unopened, so I have no idea what the date is or what the heck is going on… I have been meaning to transfer all my info over for weeks. And there it all sits.
I don’t like feeling this way. And I certainly don’t like being this way. Overwhelmed. Exhausted. Anxious. Lost. Frozen.
I tell myself I need to sort things out in my head and write them down. That always helps.
I know that praying about prioritizing what is most important is critical.
I also know that losing site of the blessings surrounding me is selfish.
I know that small steps always relieve the burden bit by bit and I start to feel liberated.
So I will do those things. Now.
I will start my lists, pray for discernment, count my blessings, and do one small task.
Are you in the same place I am?
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