Life has been a little crazy lately, thanks to fall busyness and pumpkins demanding to be carved? Scrambling like mad to think of a last-minute creative costuming idea that won’t take much work? Too late to go out and gather up the props for an elaborate scheme?
It’s cool. I’ve got you covered.
As I’m the least creative and original person in the world, these ideas aren’t going to be a flash of brilliance that will win you any amazing costume awards, but they will work in a pinch and hopefully bring a few smiles your way.
Snag up your spouse, partner or someone you can live with at least temporarily. One of you will dress up as Mitt Romney and one of you go as a shout-out to President Obama himself. This doesn’t have to be a lot of work. Just stick a construction paper elephant or donkey to your chest and call it a day. Try to really get into the role and imagine the household climate if you were shacking up with your political rival a week before the big race goes down. Refuse to speak directly to each other without a campaign manager present, whisper secret messages in your phone, hang a curtain dividing the bedroom in half, etc. If you have kids, try to split and divide them in an effort to set up political camps. For example, the ladies in our house might talk up welfare reform ad nauseum (or at least Mommy will while Baby Girl points at our chocolate lab and scream “Dog!” as this is her newest word), while the men hole up in the bathroom and refuse to listen to any opposing viewpoints on their economic policies. This costuming idea might get a little dicey, but is very fashionable and timely given the upcoming election. Consider it.
Dress as a person without kids. I know, I know. This seems an insurmountable feat. It can be done. Just follow these instructions to a tee and trust me: wash your face (it’s the front part of your head, in case you get lost on this one). Consider brushing your teeth, but in the end just chew on a breath mint because it will be easier. Put on some clean clothing. If you want to go all out, change your underwear and socks too. If you can”t find a sitter, make sure your children’s basic necessities are covered (the TV is on and they have goldfish crackers at the ready), and refuse to allow yourself to say the words “potty-training” or “preschool” for 5 whole minutes. The bonus of this costume is that it doubles as a vacation for you. Enjoy.
Go all out and dress up as blogger. This one is the easiest costume on the list. Just affix your laptop, iPad, or cell phone to your head. Probably most effective if you rock the yoga pants on this one too, but not necessary, and I understand stretchy black spandex might be a little awkward for some of the guys. If your spouse wants to get in on this action, his/her only costuming requirement is to repeatedly shake his/her head in disbelief, as in “What in the world is my spouse doing? Why are we dedicating our entire lives to this weird blogging thing and what exactly is a blog, BTW?”. A very easy, do-able costuming idea for everyone.
Please share fun last-minute ideas you have any to add. Halloween doesn’t have to only be about the ghosts, goblins, glitz and glitter. Sometimes it’s just all about the snark, especially when a hurricane gets in the way of your preparations.
Have a good one, friends, and Happy Halloween!
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