I’m not perfect…nor even close. Shock!, I know. The thing of it is–this parenting gig is hard, hard work. No, I don’t love scouring down the high chair seat 100x/day or packing a diaper bag the size of the Titanic every time we have to leave the house. So I take the “helps” wherever I can get them–lots of helps. A third round of the Gerber yougurt melts to keep the baby from screaming? Go for it. An extended naptime so Mommy can finish her blog post? Why not. Keeping the coffee pot running from sun-up to sundown for a cheap shot of energy-inducing caffeine? Sure.
I generally keep it light and funny on this blog b/c I figure life is heavy enough as it is, and if God has given me the perspective to find humor in this life, I might as well use it. But some days don’t feel so delightful. Some are rough. Really rough. I believe that some day this will all savvy up when I see the joy of my grown children, hopefully happy and healthy. Someday, when my kids are too cool and too busy, I will probably appreciate the days of running mad herd after my toddlers through the house. While I’m tired now, I know that everything is for a season, and some day I will be able to drink an entire cup of coffee while it is still hot. And in the meantime–it is okay (or at least this is what I’m telling myself!). Because, see, there is a greater purpose to this life than my comfort or happiness. We are all put here for a reason. I honestly don’t giggle with glee over this stage of super-young kids, but it’s what I’m given to do right now.
So bring on the sippy cups, fussy babies, under-appreciated tireless efforts, and ad nauseum water table playdates. I’m in, so I’ve gotta be all in. That’s what this parenting thing is all about. And I so, so screw it up–all the time, in fact. But I’m not called to be perfect–I’m just called to be a mom. And that’s okay–for now 😉
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