This is one of my all-time favorite personal quotes, as I referenced before. I said this to my husband one day when the sippy cup scene in our home was just a little too intense. If you’re not a parent of young kids (or haven’t been in the past), you probably won’t get this post, so you may just want to check out now.
A small sampling of our sippy cup collection, otherwise known as the Summer 2012 Line. |
It’s not just the sheer number of sippy cups, it’s the significant storage space requirement of said sippies. Before kids, I used to think my friends were crazy that dedicated entire large drawers in the kitchen to house the cups. Now, two kids into this parenting gig, I realized we basically need to devote an entire room of the house for their storage. I also used to be able to sweetly lay out a single dishtowel on my counter for putting the sippy cups on to dry. I now realize a California King sheet spread across the first floor of our home is more properly required for adequate drying space.
The true intensity of the stress develops in the washing of all these sippies, however. Sure, in theory you would wash all the pieces and then put them back together. In practice, different parts start to develop encrusted dirt and mold and you have to do a deep-clean soak once in a while. The valves also start to leak after a bit, so you have to buy new. The new valves end up mixing in with the ones you’ve carefully and scientifically determined to “still be okay” (read: just randomly tossed in piles because children were hanging off your leg screaming and you couldn’t think straight). This gets everything confused, and is what caused me to say the above quote to my husband. If you and your spouse aren’t in complete concert, it is very easy to lose track of what parts are new, clean, dirty, etc., and thus create void of usable sippy cups. And it’s never a good idea to be sans a sippy at the ready when you have a fussy toddler.
So if you should you find yourself swimming in sippies, know that you aren’t alone. In fact, let’s just classify “sippy cup management” as a hobby so you can be one of Those People who actually have hobbies and make yourself sound cool.
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