Apparently the thing to do in the blogging world is to write 100 things about yourself on your 100th post. Somehow I totally missed this, and now find myself looking at my 300th post. DON’T PANIC!! No, I am not going to write 300 things about myself. Honestly, I’m thinking I won’t even be able to come up with 100 things about myself. Let’s face it–I’m just not that interesting. So I’m just going to give this a go and see how far I get…
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100 Things About Me:
1. I just bought new hand towels for our bathroom and this makes me feel like a million bucks.
2. Gilmore Girls was my favorite show ever.
3. I still mourn it’s finale.
4. I love to read.
5. I’m an insomniac.
6. I read at night a lot.
7. I still don’t understand how to use my smartphone.
8. I regularly count down the days to Christmas
9. I am peeing myself with excitement because today is Olympic Eve.
10. I fantasize about taking a vacation to Disney World with my kids.
11. I fantasize about taking a vacation anywhere without my kids.
12. I love it when my dog sleeps on my feet at night.
13. My favorite thing about summer is sleeping with the windows open.
14. Toby Keith and Eric Church rock out my playlist regularly.
15. I can’t cook with recipes–I make it up, every time.
16. Eating breakfast out is one of the most fun things ever.
17. I never buy books.
18. I love my local library.
19. Dedicated Star magazine fan.
20. Who doesn’t love the “Find the Differences Between the Two Pictures” in People magazine?
21. I cut coupons in the Sunday paper every week.
22. Still get a little rush whenever the UPS truck pulls in, even if it’s just our monthly diaper delivery…
23. I ate my first sushi 6 months ago. I fell in love.
24. My husband won’t eat seafood. This is one of the great tragedies of my life.
25. My BFF from toddlerhood is still one of the absolute coolest people I know.
26. The baby monitor gives me panic attacks. Just waiting for that cry…
27. Longwood Gardens is one of my favorite places on this earth.
28. My favorite number is 28.
29. Modern Family makes me LOL–a lot.
30. Snorting is one of my favorite words–and one of my favorite things to do.
31. I am getting bored with this list.
32. Seriously doubting anyone else is even reading this list so am thinking I could just make up whatever I wanted at this point…
33. Will now force myself to resume and take this seriously.
34. Find it way easier to blog if Gossip Girl reruns are running on Netflix in the background. Since this show is total trash, have to score a double nap for this to happen.
35. My mother died 4 months ago.
36. This has been incredibly tough.
37. It is a constant journey to strive towards hope and peace.
38. I feel like I’m making some progress.
39. I think St. John’s Wort is helping??
40. I am so thankful I’m in my 30s instead of my 20s.
41. Bargain shopping is a beloved hobby.
42. I have just started consigning my children’s outgrown toys/clothes. This feels amazing.
43. In general, we have started unloading crap we don’t want any more from our basement. This also feels incredibly amazing.
44. I love to laugh.
45. I wish I was funnier.
46. The blogging world is so fun, but so, so overwhelming to me.
47. Sitting out on the deck at night with my husband is my second favorite thing about summer.
48. I can’t wait until my daughter is old enough to do fun girly things like shopping and pedicures together.
49. I was terrified when I first learned I was having a girl. I am now thrilled to have a daughter.
50. I am still terrified–especially of those teenage years.
51. Working so hard to lose that weight!
52. Loathe working out–this will never change.
53. Am so relived to be done with my kids’ birthday parties for another year!
54. People scare me.
55. I’m an introvert.
56. Not joking–9:30pm is seriously a late night for me.
57. Loving summer, but kind of really excited for fall and cooler temps. This is some hot stuff!
58. We have our first family vacation planned for the first time in over 10 years–I am so, so excited!
59. Currently adoring Mindy Kaling–eagerly awaiting her new fall show.
60. Will always have a crush on Jennifer Aniston, and therefore, throw daggers at Angelina Jolie. Hey, loyalties lie deep.
61. Loved Cabbage Patch Kids, Rainbow Brite and Strawberry Shortcake growing up–what girl of the 80s didn’t?
62. Also loved Winnie the Pooh and try to force a love of this on my children so I can keep watching it.
63. Where the Heart Is is my favorite movie.
64. My dream night would be holing up with a bunch of girly movies and popcorn on my couch.
65. And wine.
66. I always wear socks to bed–very annoying habit in the summer heat.
67. I never bother with manicures–they come off in a matter of days, so it’s not worth it.
68. My old-school planner is probably my favorite earthly possession.
69. I don’t understand how to wear scarves. They always look weird on me.
70. I am also awful at walking in heels.
71. I was a terrible pregnant woman.
72. I still read the Sunday comics every week.
73. I am still bored and doubting I will make it to 100 things…
74. Ordering take-out feels like a heaven-on-earth. A night off from cooking AND dishes?? Count me in!
75. I am addicted to Diet Coke.
76. I have quit drinking Diet Coke.
77. This is going “well”.
78. I swore I wouldn’t be the kind of mom who cried when dropping her son off at preschool for the first time. I will be.
79. If Donna Reed had been in my MOMS Club, I probably would have quit b/c she would have irritated me too much.
80. I drink copious amounts of water.
81. And coffee.
82. Do they balance each other out?
83. My grandmother passed on part of her African Violet to me before she died. I think I’m killing it.
84. I am scared to go to the grocery store with both of my children.
85. I don’t go to the grocery store with both of my children. Now that Genaurdi’s closed and there is no more home delivery, this does not bode well for stocking the fridge…
86. Secretly hoping one of my children goes for the marching band in high school. It was just so much fun.
87. Obsessed with Yankee Candles and Bath and Body Works hand soap. Stockpile both in scary proportions.
88. Can I pay someone to have the sex talk with my children someday? How do you even broach this one??
89. Technology confuses me.
90. This irritates my husband.
91. I feel bad for him.
92. I still miss ER. Why did that show have to end? Noah Wyle was too cute…
93. I love naps.
94. I never get to take them.
95. Am planning a “sleep vacation” with my one friend when our children are older. As the name suggests, this vacation will involve sleeping. And then more sleeping…
96. Yes, I stalk my driveway come dinner time for signs of my husband arriving home from work.
97. Really struggling towards the end here to come up with stuff…
98. Have I mentioned I’m not crafty at all?
99. Definitely scared of people who are.
100. Made it to 100! Go me! Woot-woo! 🙂
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