So many people ask me this. And up until about 8 months ago, I really had no idea myself. defines a blog as:
If you are part of the blogging community, as a blogger or as a follower, this makes sense. If blogging is less familiar to you, this definition probably still leaves you scratching your head.
The thing is, I don’t know if I can really box blogging into a particular definition, but generally I just see my blog as a forum to write a bunch of stuff that is on my mind and share it with other people (read: please laugh at what I think is funny!). And here are some other things I know about it:
It’s fun. Like, a lot of fun.
It’s hard work. Since it’s a generally unpaid or under-compensated gig, it’s not like life just hands you a huge window of time to spew out all your thoughts–wouldn’t that be a dream? You’ve gotta sedate the kids somehow and carve time for blogging into your schedule.
I’ve met a lot of awesome people through blogging. They’ve become part of my life. In a world where it’s easier to shop for coffee filters online than it is to make friends, this is cool.
Bloggers love comments. I read once that reading a post with no comments was like walking into an empty room. It’s true, talk about AWKWARD.
HUGE sense of identity attached to blogging. Show me a blogger who doesn’t pour themselves into their blog…
Funny bloggers are people who like to laugh, and I like them. There are absolutely hysterical bloggers out there; I am truly dwarfed by their sense of humor and amazing delivery.
Material…material…material…mmhhh…just tattoo a list on your wrist of some spare ideas, not like you will run out of witty post fodder or forget your ideas or anything…;)
It will drive your spouse crazy, and if your kids are old enough, it will drive them crazy. It’s like a whole crazy hybrid of hobby/job that no one else really understands except fellow bloggers.
When you write a good post and people like it…you feel like a million bucks.
Does this clear up the mystery of blogging at all? No? Oh well…welcome to the World of the Blog anyway. And to all my fellow bloggers out there, here’s wishing you lots of million-bucks-feeling posts and to all you blog followers, thank you for making us feel like a million bucks 😉
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