I am so flattered that Brynne from Femme Frugality agreed to guest post for me! Brynne is a young adult, student, mother, and fellow Pennsylvanian. She writes regularly at her blog about savings and earning in all sectors of her life. I have learned so much as a reader of her blog. Check out her stuff–she’s awesome! Today’s she’s sharing with us about something very near and dear to my heart: saving money on children’s clothing! Thanks so much for all this, Brynne!
It’s always boggled my mind how clothing for a two-year-old can cost just as much as clothing for me. They’re using less material, right? So why am I forced to pay more per square inch? With the exception of being overwhelmed with onesies at your baby shower, clothing your child is almost exclusively left to you as the parent, but it doesn’t have to make you broke.
Resale and Consignment
These stores are amazing. For Goodwill prices, you get gently-used to brand new with the tags still on clothes sans questionable stains and stigma. The outfits are never beyond a year out of season, and you can even sell your own child’s clothes when they’ve outgrown them for store credit or cash. My favorite? A national chain called Once Upon a Child. There are also tons of local ones in whatever locale you inhabit, so shopping these stores can also be a convenient way to support small, local business.
Accept Hand-Me-Downs Gracefully
Even if you think you’ll hate them. They’re probably going to come with a few stained items, and you might hate the fashion taste of the donating parent. Taking them doesn’t mean you need to keep them. And now someone knows you’re looking for clothes. You’d be surprised at people’s generosity and how they will network for you. All of a sudden you may just be inheriting brand-name, barely used clothes from some lady she goes to church with.
Don’t be afraid to give your first child hand-me-downs. There’s no parenting rule saying everything must be store bought and expensive just because it’s your first time around.
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