I don’t get it. I think about these amazing 1950s housewives (who so, so had it going on–seriously, their hair was always done and they were what, a size 2??), and wonder how they did it. Not only that, they most often did it in heels (ahh!!!). The thing is, they didn’t have DVDs, DVD players or DVD players in the car. They didn’t have online grocery shopping (I know. I KNOW.) or even the capacity to order their coffee filters on Amazon. Moreover, how in the world did they rock it out without a smartphone, much less and old school cell phone (the way this archaic Mom of the Year rolls)? Seriously, how did these powerhouse women navigate their way to a playdate without a GPS?! So I bow, I cowtail to these amazing octogenarians and their dominion of their homes. I am awed, I am impressed, and I am humbled. Often I feel guilty when delighting in one of my modern-day conveniences (i.e. how did these moms shower without the ubiquitous Mickey Mouse Clubhouse?), but then I get one of my oh-it’s really-2012-and-God-designed-this-point-in-time-as-He-did-all-others flashes of clarity and I cue up my Wii and settle into my customized workout routine.
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