Very grouchy with global warming right now. I’d love to know: where is the snow this winter?! Yes, sure, inconvenienced with the white stuff right along with the next person, but when you have kids, a nice solid snow at some point during the winter seems due. Forget the fun of sledding, why then did I buy adorable little snow boots for them?
But let’s be honest–even apart from kids, I like myself a good snow. For just a few blissful hours at least, things get quiet. The world stops, or at least slows down a little. For the really big storms, things get cancelled and it just feels like a free pass to relax. Since I’m having a serious problem with feeling overloaded right now, a calmer pace would be right up my alley. So I’m more than a little pouty that a winter wonderland is evading us this year.
Then it occurred to me that God tells us to “be still” (Psalm 46:10). He did not say, “be still and relax when I make everything super-easy in your lives, take away all your burdens and clog the road up with snow”. He just said “be still”. Hhmmm, sort of feeling majorly convicted here. Maybe I should stop blaming climate change for my hysteria and just put the brakes on myself? Now there’s a crazy concept for you–take responsibility for your life choices yourself vs. depending on stuff falling from the sky?!
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