We were talking in my Bible Study group about the importance of having an accountability partner, or someone who can keep you on the straight-and-narrow. My guess is that most women would find a fellow adult female to rock out this gig with, but I have found myself seeking the much more convenient companionship of my 2 yr. old son. Convenient b/c he is always. with. me. So, it works.
Isaac, as most young kids do, thrives on consistency. Every day the same routine, the same as yesterday was and the same as tomorrow will be. So when the other morning I did not feel like exercising (I repeat, I DID NOT FEEL LIKE EXERCISING) and he starts immediately chiming post-breakfast, “Mommy essersize. Mommy essersize.”, I had little choice but to cue up Jillian Micheals. After working up a good sweat with my DVD gal pal and knowing Elyse was well settled into her morning nap, I was dying to heist some crazy things off my to-do list like kick up a load of laundry or whisk some stinky diapers out to the garbage. My Accountability Partner had other plans. “Mommy shaa-war, Mommy shaa-war.” As mentioned before, I despise showering and will “postpone” until I absolutely must leave the house, so here we again having my son spur me onto greater heights of humanity (or at least cleanliness). I exercised. I showered. And I have no one to thank except my 2 yr. old son. If you’re looking for an excuse to procreate; you’ve been served. Kids keep it real–without ANY variation 🙂
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