My totally amazing Christmas gift this year from my dad was a set of Corelle dishes. Our trusty old set that had seen us through 10.5 yrs. of marriage was, to put it politely, significantly lacking. Many pieces had broken and most of the rest were cracked or chipped. It was very handy to have 2 bowls that were usable, except when there were more than 2 people who were eating soup…in any case, sometime mid-last year I set my sights on Corelle dishes, known for being cheap, lightweight, hard to break or chip and easily replacable if they were damaged (read: KID-FRIENDLY). If you ever question what this Mom of the Year fantasizes about, now you have your answer: complete matching dish sets. So yes, upon receipt of these dishes at Christmas, I stood just a little taller and beamed perhaps just a tad too much at the crappy leftovers that were serving as our dinner the next night. Can you say “SAHM self-worth attached to material home goods”?! Okay, so I am a materialistic psycho. That established, I dozed off one night last week and had a horrible nightmare that, in fact, many of my brand-new treasures had shattered in some sort of tremendous kitchen debacle. Unfortunately, upon waking the next morning, I made a beeline for the laptop, praying that the Corningware outlet was having some sort of clearance through which I could replace the broken items. No lie, I was seriously about 10 min. into creating my cart before I realized the broken dish scenario was actually a dream!! Ahh! What am I more concerned about? That I dream about my kitchenware or that I automatically enter into online-bargain-shopping mode without first establishing whether the need is actually a dream or a reality??
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