Going the route of my BFF Mindy Kaling (as established in last week’s post), who is big on making lists on her blog of her favorite things, I am sharing the top ten of what was hot on the SAHM scene in 2011:
1. Lee Slender Secret jeans. This is the miraculous pair of jeans my husband recently found for me, as posted.) If your body is anyway less than perfect (if it is indeed perfect, I likely hate you and do not want my blog tarnished by your patronage, so please log off now), these jeans are for you. Why, oh why, did I not listen to my dear friend years ago when she told me about these jeans and how amazing they were?!
2. Deal websites. You name it–Groupon, LivingSocial, Mamasource, Eversave, etc.–we are there and feeling so wickedly smart for scoring such amazing deals for our fam, whether we actually need them or not.
3. Us magazine (or any variation of celeb gossip rag). This makes us feel cool, connected, and hip–how can you go wrong?? Plus, score Us on any of aforementioned deal websites for an average of 82% off cover price…
4. Target. See The Mecca. There is nothing else I can say, except does this retail establishment possibly offer burial sites in the back parking lot?? And if so, how can I get one?
5. MOMS club. I cannot tell you how the ladies from my local chapter have touched, changed and blessed our lives in the past year through all our craziness.
6. Minivans. You have kids. You have groceries. You have double strollers and psychotic chocolate labs. ‘Nuff said.
7. Sweatpants. Obviously, well-fitting pants is a big theme in this year’s top ten list, but they are a very large concern of any normal woman with a postpartum body (read: if you slough off the pounds in under 2 weeks Jessica Alba-style, please busy yourself with pursuing modeling deals vs. reading this blog). In any case, is anything in the world more comfy than sweats on a cold winter night??
8. Online Bargain-shopping. If I wrote any more about how this phenomenon has rocked my world, I think you would all gag from overexposure to this great love of my life, so no further comment.
9. Smartphones. No, I don’t actually have one. But I have heard that they exist and can only imagine…the connectedness, the potential for organization, the ease, the convenience. Our horrific T-Mobile contract expires on 6/18/12…expect further updates as we give our clunker 1980s-esque phones the boot and enjoy some modern-day conveniences, such as cell phone reception in our house.
10. Blogging. Tremendous feelings of self-empowerment here, mostly centered around actually having thoughts and being tecnologically savvy enough to share them online. In truth, this is largely a throw back to old school lock and key diaries from early elementary school and popularity games from high school (you can track how many hits you get per day)…
Thanks for blessing me this past year by reading my blog and here is a plug (read: utterly shameless begging) for you to check in out in the year to come! 🙂
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