No, not the name of some hot new mom band on the scene, although that would be awesome.* I’m referring to the phenomena that happens when parents get beyond the super-young-kid stage. In my experience, they fall in one of two categories: those who remember how hard and painful it is and those who forget. Obviously, right now, I’m digging the Rememberers a lot more–it’s a lot easier to hang out with them (they forgive the fact that you don’t have 16+ hrs. a day to do jumping jacks and run on the treadmill and may or may not have showered in the past week), and they don’t get vexed when you can’t hang out past 9pm b/c you are just too darn exhausted. In their defense, however, I can’t blame the Forgetters–seriously, who would want to remember this stage?? Blocking-out seems like an awesome defense mechanism here. I’m not past this young-kid stage yet, so don’t know where I’ll fall, though I have a strong suspicion that I will land with the Rememberers. This is based solely on the fact that, despite all claims from overly-drugged or just-plain-insane moms that “you forget the birthing process”, I remember every single second of birthing my son. I’m not sure how you could forget pushing an 8 lb. being and massive amounts of blood out of you for 20+ hrs. while YOUR MIL HELPS HOLD BACK YOUR LEGS (horrifically true story), and from my POV, at least 50+ hospital staff with lots of large instruments in the room…So yeah, not forgetting that and guessing I’m a “Rememberer” 😉
*Seriously, though–not a bad idea? Who’s in? As long as you could overlook the fact that I FLUNKED HIGH SCHOOL CHORUS (yes, this is actually possible), I think we’ve got a shot. Our “edge” could be that we wrap up every concert by 9pm, so everyone can get to bed at a reasonable hour, and that we travel with a bus for all our kids–and an extra bus for all their toys…consider it.
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