In general, they terrify me. I am very suspicious of anyone who has the time to not only buy scrapbooking tools and art supplies, but who actually has the time to use them. Moreover, anyone who delights in cutting out small shapes and securing them to corresponding pages with glitter glue forces me to question my own self-worth as a woman on this earth. However, here is the sticky wicket–some of my best friends are crafters extraordinaire. So what is a Mom of the Year to do? If you can’t beat them, join them. Or at least work very hard to politely hide from their invitations to participate in their insanity. When you are unsuccessful and do get roped in, immediately frame and display anything that you’ve created as verifiable proof to all who enter your home that you are a woman of diverse talents and interests. The gorgeous Christmas card I made in 2010 (albeit with a tremendous amount of direction and assistance) remains up year round to serve this purpose. Also, work very hard to get your children invited over to the home of anyone who can say, “I’ll just whip out some of my toddler crafting supplies.” The fact that they own enough art supplies to just get out “some” of it is impressive, as is their ability to “whip” them out (vs. yanking them dramatically out of a closet and ending up with paint splashed out all over their walls). Am expecting multiple forthcoming invites for my children and me to come over and craft…
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