I seriously wish someone would have told me before having kids that I would need an advanced degree in children’s clothing. The amount of time and effort I spend addressing their attire needs is astonishing.
I swear that there is a special skill set required for figuring out how to put on some of their outfits. My mother always used to tell the story about how my dad put me in a sleeper UPSIDE DOWN–with the head hole at the bottom and my arms in the legs. I thought he was crazy until I started dressing children of my own. Don’t even get me started on trying to make all the snaps line up in the middle of the night. Many a curse word has been bit back as I fumble in the moonlight.
Aside from dressing, there is the tedious and daily (okay, hourly) task of washing all these little clothes and then hanging them on tiny hangers (or shoving them in a drawer if that’s how you prefer to roll–I do a combo of both to keep things real while trying to make our very cheap consigned clothes seem like treasures). Seriously, how is it possible for such a little person to produce that much laundry?? I am now considering setting up a bed in the basement by the washer and dryer so I can just make quick load change-ups throughout the night–a tremendous time saver, I’m thinking.
And then we have the organization of all the various sizes of clothing. Another company I am expecting an endorsement deal from is Rubbermaid b/c I am pretty sure we have purchased every variation of their large storage totes and keep them all filled with outgrown or soon-to-grow-into clothes in our basement. I feel so blessed to get bags of secondhand clothes from friends, but these require sorting too and then inversely, I must organize all the outgoing clothes we will be giving away. Since my children apparently outgrow a new size every month during their first year of life, let’s just say our washer and dryer are definitely getting a work out. When I successfully transferred my daughter into the next size last week, I felt like I had achieved a major life accomplishment.
So lest you find yourself surrounded by multiple teeny socks with no matches for pairs to be found, applying Dreft to the same onesie for the 3rd time over, hot-gluing a sleeper shut because you have given up trying to fasten the snaps, or tearing up because you can’t find your size 6 mo. girl pants, please know you are not alone. And I’m always up for scheduling an all-night laundry party–be in touch 🙂
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