I just read Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me? (and Other Concerns) by Mindy Kaling, known for her role as Kelly Kapoor on The Office. I can now officially say I’m in love with Mindy, and I do refer to her as “Mindy” b/c obviously we are destined to be best friends (the minor hiccup that we have never met is indeed minor…). She is the most brilliantly witty person I have encountered in probably forever. She makes Tina Fey look like a dull bore, which says a lot b/c I adore Tina Fey. For this woman (and the slim dream of actually communicating with her), I joined Twitter. I JOINED TWITTER. I, who do not have personal account on Facebook (though Mom of the Year now apparently has a page) and do not text, JOINED TWITTER. In any case, I informed my husband that Mindy would be flying in from LA for my book club hosting gig in May. He gave me the “you-have-three-heads” look, noting that we could not fund such an expense. I then reassured him that no, she would actually be coming as part of a MakeAWish program for SAHMs and we would not be paying for her trip. I would however, willingly crack open a quality box o’ wine to share with Mindy after her long trek ;).
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