After recently reviewing this situation with my friend K, it occurred to me that my relationship with the UPS man truly has reached a new level (see UPS). Chalk it up to a holiday buying frenzy, further honing my online bargain-finding skills, or more companies finally getting on board with the need to ship their goods for free, but largely, the delivery man is here every day. He is the most frequent visitor to my home and he in some ways know me better than my husband. He is privy to how often I order diapers for my children and understands better than anyone the depth of my intimacy with Amazon. He has seen me exert my athletic ability in tackling the dog countless times and should my children be awake when he comes calling, he has witnessed first-hand the dark Spidel family secret of just how often we rock out MM during the day. He’s seen the good and the bad and he still faithfully drives up in his little brown truck. So truly it would be a case of neglect if I would overlook gifting him this holiday season. But what exactly is an appropriate gift that won’t make me look like the desperate housewife stalking the company of my UPS man?? I am, granted, but not in a romantic way and I’m not anxious to send the wrong message. Helping Minnie find her missing calendar pages and my daily pursuit of the glorious double nap (both kids sleeping at the same time) is enough excitement and drama in my life for now…In addition to wondering what to give, I am in a quandary as to how to have it delivered. Would I just mark it as “please deliver to yourself”?? Send in any thoughts on this one, b/c I need some help…
It’s Getting More Serious
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Meredith blogs at The Mom of the Year, where she dedicatedly earns her title one epic parenting fail at a time, offering quick, relatable laughs for fellow parents and all their empathizers. She has been part of several best-selling anthologies, featured on prominent sites such as Huffington Post, In the Powder Room and BlogHer, and loves her role as the Executive VP/Operations Manager of The BlogU Conference. When she's not breaking up fights over Legos and juice boxes, she remains fully committed to sharing a less serious look at the world of parenting.
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