Hands down, nothing could more effectively make my day than getting hit on. Surrounding myself on a daily basis with the 2 and under set and large psychotic brown dog, leaves very little opportunity to be noticed–at all–for anything other than food provision and water refilling. I suspect that my son largely understands my presence to be on par with that of a fixture of furniture in our home–just sort of always there and not really that exciting. The other day, during a ridiculously long stretch of errand running I reverted back to my tried and true method of bartering for my son’s peace with the promise of chicken nuggets from the Burger King drive-through. So when the cashier looked up at me and said, “Oh, you’re pretty”, my world was 100% rocked!! Even went so far as to flirt a little by making a big show of leaning way over the window to give me my chicken (I guess you had to be there b/c this just sounds stupid as I type this). Who knows what this young guy was smoking, and this is definitely NOT to be interpreted as bragging in any way. It is very likely that he says this to every single woman in a minivan b/c he has some sort of weird compassion for post-preggers pudgy, make-up-less SAHMs cruising his window in the middle of the day, but…WHO CARES?! I was noticed! Elated, I immediately called my husband to tell him the good news and stood just a little bit taller throughout the rest of the afternoon. Maybe my 5 yr. old worn out sweats are just pretty flattering after all 😉
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