Oftentimes there is a lot of emphatic raging related to the blog around these parts:
“What the heck is this blogging good for?”
“I need clean underwear!”
“What the heck is “The Twitter” anyway?”
It might be helpful to note that 98% of the time I am the one raging. I am the one confused, confused as to why I am doing this, confused as to how to best do it, and confused as to whether if it is even worth doing it to begin with.
Time presses on, and usually I’m only increasingly confused as it does, but a few things have become a little clearer. It’s astounding how truths can come to light while shaving or changing sheets–it’s nature’s way of rewarding us for tending to the picky stuff.
Recently, I’ve been generally rolling around in my post-BlogU high (what an incredible experience!) and enjoying a few very cool blog-related realizations:
1) I am capable as a human being. This transcends into directing people where to carry heavy boxes at a conference (albeit not always directing them to the right place. Apologies once again to several BlogU staff for the senseless hauling of door prizes across campus and back) to being able to create and write this blog in the first place. The thing is, it never hurts to believe in yourself. And make it happen, despite the poopy diapers and sippy cup-related needs.
2) Despite my horrid control-freak planner self, income happens, regardless of the panic I pour into fussing about it. Blogging is such a weird business. By nature, I would love to know exactly how much I am making each month and carefully budget my pennies out. It doesn’t work this way. Some months, the ad revenue and sponsored posts are friendly; other months, not so much. There is very little to nothing I can do to control this. I try to look at it as a bonus for being able to fund our grocery budget when it pays out and then engage in a lot of soothing self-talk during slow months.
3) I am tired. I love my blog. I love the people I’ve met through it even more. My children are still real and will age at the normal human rate. Some day, this blog will end. My children will not. They are my sole legacy on this earth and I will never, ever regret pouring more into them than anything else on this earth. Also, I like to sleep.

Because Retro Prom is a thing
4) It is okay to insist on Urban Decay eyeliner. I am blessed to be besties with the very cool Stephanie Giese of Binkies and Briefcases, the founder and CEO of BlogU. We work together, we support each other, and then I make her wait for me while I put on my make-up. When she loaded my van with a suitcase 1/3 the size of my own monstrous beast of a packing vessel, I could have felt scared. Very scared. Instead, I realized that she one of those lovely minimalist people. I, on the other hand, don’t travel without several cases of make-up. But here’s the surprise: people will often accept you for who you are. Excess eyeliner or not.
5.) I am not totally dumb about technology. I am mostly dumb. I will still endlessly struggle over html. I will probably call my husband in tears most times I try to figure something new out. But…I kind of get it. For me, “kind of” is huge. Turns out, I can be smarter than I think. So go ahead and push yourself–the flipside of pushing is that you might end up feeling incredibly boss.
6.) Working is a beast; I kind of love it. The sticky wicket about my job situation is that I have one, but don’t have childcare, at least not regularly. By the time I figure I can remedy this situation, my children will be in school all day anyway. In the meantime, Mommy panics a lot, uses a lot of Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood and a lot of lollipop bribes. Am I the best mom? Not even close. Am I the perfectly on the ball? Never. Do I love my kids and try the best I can to manage each and every single day? Always.
7.) Love those around you. The Keynote address was titled, “Collegues, not Competition”, and this couldn’t have been said better. Life is far too short for smallness in any form. Support and care for those who God puts in your life to the best of your ability. Jen of People I Want to Punch in the Throat has discussed how “a rising tide lifts all the boats”. Such a smart, such a perfect approach.
I have no idea what tomorrow holds for me to learn. But for now? These are the truths that are supporting me. That, plus all of you. Thanks for hanging with me through all of this, my friends.

Because sometimes growth takes the form of cupcakes…
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WhenCrazyMeetsExhaustion says
You forgot to mention how wonderful you are. xo
Meredith says
Stop, my shining gorgeous mom friend of 3 😉
Kathy Radigan says
I love this post!! It always amazes me to find out just how capable I am and I love that you realized just what an accomplishment pulling off BlogU was! You and Stephanie did such an amazing job. I am still on a bit of a conference high. And I agree with When Crazy, you did forget to mention how wonderful you are! xo
Meredith says
Kathy, you flatter, but I am so thrilled all went so well and yes! Cheers to that conference high!
Jen says
The love you have poured into your babies shines through in their loving ways and actions. Love them, and you. And I love your blog because it makes me laugh.
Meredith says
Everything about this comment makes my day. xo, sweet friend.
Lisa @ The Golden Spoons says
Great post! BlogU was great. I agree about the tired part, though. I went in about ready to throw in the towel. I am re-inspred to keep going, but trying to re-think how I’m going about it.
Meredith says
I think so much of it has to be in the approach–just have to figure that part out yet 😉
Alexis says
Sounds like Blog U was a really great experience for you! I wasn’t able to attend (logistics) but I hope to next year. Maybe we’ll meet in person then 🙂
Meredith says
Yes! Would be so very cool to meet you, Alexis!
Amy Flory - Funny Is Family says
I loved meeting you in real life, and getting to experience BlogU with you and the rest of the gang, and am still crazy, mad impressed with what you and Steph pulled off. Adorable prom hats off to you, friend.
Meredith says
Babe! You were such a fantastic help and meeting you was too fun–let’s do it again?? 😉
Frugalistablog says
Let’s bunk together next year and spread out all our makeup!! OH, and I didn’t mind carrying door prizes from one building to another!
Meredith says
Thank you for your graciousness with the door prizes. And sounds like a plan–in fact, we’d better book 2 rooms to make sure we’re covered?
Heather says
So glad you had a wonderful time. You are a fabulous mother, friend, writer, blogger. All. The. Things! loved this post. May have teared up a bit.
Meredith says
I am tearing up reading this post. Love you, my friend! Thanks for all the endless support–always.
Deva says
Such great advice! My mom recently asked how much I make blogging. I couldn’t tell her. She thought I was being coy. But the truth is I couldn’t tell her. It varies so much month-to-month there is no steady answer (or income).
Meredith says
Exactly, Deva. It’s a very tricky business!
Jessica says
I love this post but love it most because I heard your voice reading it. You did an amazing job and I’m so glad to call you a friend.
Meredith says
Aw, Jessica. You are so sweet and your friendship is such a blessing!
Chris Carter says
I LOVE that you are making this happen- and building a name and a career with your gifts – oh so many gifts! I LOVE that you keep your priorities in check. I LOVE that you are always REAL and always DEAR to all…
I love LOVE LOVE that you can believe in yourself. Begin to believe in yourself? TOTALLY know you GOT THIS- you are BOSS. Each day you achieve another day of poop diapers, feeding kids, learning new tech stuff, planning a blog conference. ETC. I am thrilled that you have come this far, and oh so much farther you will go, my dear friend.
I’m behind you all the way!!
And dammit. I’m going next year!
Meredith says
You could not be a better encourager, my love. Your comments are a rock and a source of strength for me to keep at it–love you, love you, love you.
femmefrugality says
Meredith, you are awesome! That sounds like such an awesome keynote address! Maybe I’ll make a trip out next year…
Meredith says
How about “definitely” and you’ve got a deal? 😉
Ashey @ 3 Little Greenwoods says
#3 and #5 are totally speaking to me! I love my blog but I love sleep {and a happy family} more. Plus I’m not a total techie idiot. Just a teeny one! 😉
~ Ashley
Meredith says
Ashley, I always think you are a rockstar with all that you touch! But glad you “get it” too. xo
Darcy Perdu says
Loved everything you guys did for Blog U 14! — can’t wait til Blog U 15!!
Meredith says
Darcy, your enthusiasm and excitement means so much–thank you!