I’m more than a little overdue with this post, but am glad to have the opportunity to pass on a Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award. Melissa from Adventures with Captain Destructo nominated me for this award, and it’s high time to pass it on to some of the neat blogs I’ve found more recently. This award is fun because the rules are pretty simple:
You are to thank the blogger who gave it to you (Thanks, Melissa; I so appreciate you checking in here!), include the logo in your post, note 7 things about yourself (because that’s a hard demand of a blogger–forcing her to talk about herself for a bit 😉 ), and pass the award onto 7 other bloggers.
7 things about me?
1. I am neurotic about my seasonal hand soap. As in, if it’s fall, and something pumpkin-y or apple-y is not on my sink, there may be a problem. Bath & Body hates me for always trying to rock out about 16 promo codes at a time. They also love me because I keep them in business.
2. I read before bed every night (and in the middle of the night when I can’t sleep, which is often). Just finished The Alchemist and am finally digging into Gone Girl, after hearing such rave, rave reviews about it.
3. I get a little sad when it’s not a mail-delivery day. Yes, it’s almost always bills. Once in a rare while it’s something a bit more fun and that’s cool.
4. Modern Family makes me laugh, so hard. How is it that I feel like I relate to and see myself in every single one of the characters?
5. Apparently my husband and I are incapable of going to see a movie. One rare kid-free night recently we tried. As in, we had our 3 yr. old gift card in hand and drove to the theater. We then paused for a second, looked at each other and realized we would be crazy for thinking we would actually be able to make it through the whole movie without falling asleep. Movie plans abandoned for the foreseeable future.
6. I never have any time to write for my blog and never, ever feel like I can keep up with it. Can someone please tell me how to do this?
7. I am cooking Thanksgiving dinner on Thursday. Since I am definitively inept in the kitchen, please keep me in your prayers while you offer up your thanks on this day.
7 Blogs I’m crushing on right now?
1. Cloudy With a Chance of Wine Dani is so, so real here and so, so funny. I can always count on her to tell it like it really is and I always leave her blog with a smile–I feel like I’ve found a friend in this insane world of parenting. And then she just has the pee-your-pants funny posts which wreck complete chaos on my post-childbirth bladder, like when she wrote about the night she “almost slept in a Phillipine red light district”.
2. Janine’s Confessions of a Mommyaholic Another real mommy found. Check in here and cozy up. Janine shares oh-so relatable stuff that I always enjoy reading. She has a gift with words–and for making you feel more human with everything she writes. C’mon, who hasn’t been there with naptime?
3. In the Mom Light Kelly is hysterical. Watch this one, readers, b/c she is breaking it out and is going to be huge with this astounding sense of humor she brings. She makes you laugh at life, which is always a good thing. When she blogged about her attempt at a date night, I immediately spit my coffee out and was reminded of my own attempt (see #5 above).
4. The Caffeinated Chronicles of a Supermom I feel like Sara keeps me up to date with my own life, if this can make any sense. Her blog is full of ideas for things I would love and use and above all, I think it’s so awesome how she has dedicated to taking weekends off. This mom is in pursuit of balance, and this is a really healthy move.
5. Don’t Chew on the Dinner Table. Synnove is true and honest. She knows parenthood is a struggle and isn’t afraid to tell you that. She makes it okay to acknowledge things are hard and then laugh at them in the process–a girl after my own heart. And when she shared why it can be a really good thing when your toddlers give you the hairy eyeball, I know I had found a kindred spirit!
6. La vie en rose. Coco has created a beautiful space in the blogosphere. I don’t have a lot of opportunity to pay attention to fashion, but she somehow makes this very easy and fun when I check in with her. She shows off more serious writing crops when she calls out bullies for their ugly behavior. Stop by and treat yourself.
7. My Life as Lynn Proctor. I’ve actually been reading Lynn for a while, and I really, really like what she has to say. She somehow captures all the feelings I didn’t even know I had and puts them into words. She is a beautiful writer and I feel blessed that she shares that with the rest of us. When she talked about saying goodbye to her elders, I just felt lost in the comfort and understanding in her post.
Thank all of you ladies for writing such great stuff, and happy sisterhood to you!
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