The first few years are critical for development, as minds are more vulnerable during this initial stage. Both nature and nurture play a pivotal role in your toddler’s development, so it is essential to do all you can to enrich young minds with values and skill-building activities that build confidence and a sense of self. […]
The REAL Parent’s Potty Training Survival Guide
***Thank you to Clorox for sponsoring this post so I could share this fun, real potty training survival guide to keeping the mess in check as you tackle the dirty business!*** You know what gets a bad rap? Diapers. Parents jones so hard to shed them, but on the other side of those nappies lies an unseemly fate–potty […]
Science of Parenthood Nails the Equation!
Who manages to rock the NUMBER ONE spot on Amazon’s hot new parenting humor releases within a month of publishing their very first namesake book? Science of Parenthood, that’s who! Their new book, Science of Parenthood: Thoroughly Unscientific Explanations for Utterly Baffling Parenting Situations was released on 11/17/15, and has been hanging out with the best-selling books ever since. If you’ve […]
Track Milestones and Don’t Miss a Single Step
When I kicked off this parenting gig, I had it all perfectly lined out. I had the baby book at the ready AND a blank stork-themed calendar that would allow me to make daily entries recording notes about my son’s activities and development after he was born. It was a gorgeous affair–that lasted for a solid […]
Trick-or-Treating with Autism
Guess what, readers? It’s Halloween time! I know, I know. I really do my best here at Mom of the Year to keep you up-to-date with breaking news-worthy happenings. In any case, if you didn’t know, Halloween is going down in 8 days. In my naively innocent, pre-kid days filled with fanciful things like being […]
3 Questions to Ask Your Kids to Get Them Talking
I generally tend to figure out how to do things in life right before they come to an end. Like, I finally got uber-good at sneaking in productive work-outs around long job hours–and then got knocked up and quit my job. I nailed feeding a baby while caring for a toddler–and then my baby became a […]
For the Love of the Boy
I was raised as a gal’s gal. In a family of two girls, my gentle father didn’t have much of a shot at perpetuating a rough and tumble boys’ world. I happily enjoyed a house filled with multiple cans of hairspray and thought the whole world watched Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman on Saturday nights. Wait, […]
I’ve Got a Witness
To be exact, I’ve had a witness now for 3 yrs., 3 months and 9 days. SourceDo you think Harry Potter could hook me upwith one of those invisible capes? Since 2009, I’ve had a short little person following me around, keeping me within his sights. The difference between now and a year ago though, […]
The Tale of Two Butts
The other day I was changing Isaac’s (my 3 yr. old son) diaper (yes, hush–obviously the potty-training is going well. Thanks for noting this.). Elyse (my 1 yr. old daughter) crawled over to the scene and pointed at his penis. The following conversation ensued: SourceApparently, my daughter will be requiring thetwo-pack to cover her “situation” […]
The Parenting Vernacular
When does parent-speak first develop? In utero? After birth? Upon initial notions of conception? I’m not sure, but I know there is a whole boatload of ridiculous things I say on a daily basis that largely make no sense. Source: Microsoft Office Clip Art My sister works in a nursing home and told me the other […]