****Thank you to The Baby Sleep Site for sponsoring this post so I could share the scoop on the best bedtimes for babies and toddlers with all of you!**** Any mama out there ever feel a bit clueless with how to best care for those kiddos? Oh wait, what’s that? ALL the hands are raised? […]
Top 6 Tips to Help Your Baby Sleep
I am a mom of three. My older two kiddos are 8 and 10 years old, so I, like, totally have this mom thing down. Well…okay, if we’re being honest, I’m still learning daily, by the minute. But, with two older kids who NAILED sleeping as infants (I’m talking sleeping straight through the night by three months and taking […]
Should You Keep Your Baby Up Late For Summertime Fun?
I would say getting your child to sleep through the night is one of the biggest head-scratchers as a parent, but let’s be honest: when you are going on night upon sleepless night, you’re not just scratching your head, you’re sobbing in repetitive fantasy of burying yourself under the covers–perhaps for a week. My kids are […]
Let’s Talk about the Raccoon
This holiday week, I’m going to share a couple of my favorite posts from the past year. When looking over what I’d published, I found a lot of sentiments about letting go and embracing where you’re at in this life, the continued presence of missing my mother, shout-outs to my perpetually growing obsession with reading, and one tribute to […]
What are you doing with YOUR hour?
I understand that logically, it’s not really an extra hour. When you factor in all the gradual shifting of daylight and the hour forward in the spring and blah blah blah, it really makes no difference. I don’t care. I understand that with kids, it’s really the same difference. Despite the clock reading a different […]
We Tried to Stay in Bed
I remember in the early days of pregnancy reading an adorable article in one of my parenting magazines that discussed the brilliance of parents being able to sleep in. With some careful planning and some strategically placed boxes of Cheerios that kids could easily grab by themselves for breakfast, the glory could all be yours! I thought […]
Back to School and Back to Sleep!
I’m a big fan of sleep. I like it. Of course, I don’t get enough of it; so I spend a large portion of my time distance-worshiping it, but that’s okay. Gives me something to dream about, right? Largely, I have been successful at passing my love of sleep onto my kiddos. While naps have […]
The Logic of Midnight
Logic has never been my strong suit. That’s okay with me. I have other positive traits, like being a whiz at online bargain shopping and falling for products then snagging them on the internet for a song. Wait; those may be the same things. Mmmh…like I said, logic’s not really my thing. Except when it’s the middle of […]
With H-E-B, the Cowgirl Rides Again
I’ll admit it. Before having my own daughter, I judged on other parents who let their kids run around in tutus and dresses. This wouldn’t be my daughter. No, not ever. Then I had a daughter. And she discovered dress-up. And now holy hell breaks out lest the gal isn’t sporting a fancy frilly garment […]
Let’s Talk about the Raccoon
One night last week when my husband was gone, I was jolted from a deep sleep at 1:45am by the dog barking. Except, my chocolate lab warrior wasn’t just barking, he was growling, with hackles raised and he was warning me. Only minorly terrified and completely panicked, I reached for my phone beside the bed. […]