I get the Sunday paper every week. And I actually read it. Like, sit at the table, try desperately to ignore my children, and bury my nose in the newsprint so I can pretend to have some idea of what is happening in the rest of the world on the other six days of the […]
Happy Aunt to Me!
Long about a month ago, we were casually hanging around the family dinner table when my sister nonchalantly dropped The Bomb, “Yeah, so we are pregnant and having a baby.” Clatter my fork to the floor, this was HUGE! A sea of adorable squeeing and congratulations burst forth as we celebrated the fantastic news, but then it was […]
When Mommy and Daddy Go Away, Aunt A Comes to Play
My husband and I recently did the unthinkable–we went away. OVERNIGHT. Crazy stuff, I know. And we couldn’t have pulled it off without the kind help of my very beautiful and sweet sister, whom my kids lovingly refer to as Aunt A. Aunt A is cool. She’s boss. And she’s got her crap together. She […]
Life’s a Beach Walk
My sister recently phoned me from her recent beach vacation. She declared that she and her husband had decided to “just pass on the whole kid thing”. Poor girl, she was speaking in hushed tones and sounded slightly traumatized. As it turns out, earlier that afternoon, they had witnessed a family with young kids try […]
Your Dog is Your First Child
In much happier times… Before we had our human children, our dog, Bailey, was truly our child. Now that I’ve actually birthed a couple of my own, the dog has become, well…more of a dog. This does not mean we don’t love Bailey–it just means we may have less elaborate canine birthday parties and less […]
Yes, Virginia, There is a Santa Claus (Revised)
The full script of Virginia’s 1897 sweet letter to the editor and his even sweeter reply is a wonderful heart-warmer during the Christmas season. Check it out to add a splash of sweetness to your season, friends. Recently, it occurred to me that the whole idea of believing in something so amazing that seems so […]
Before Kids and After Kids
These pictures will largely speak for themselves. Both taken recently on my sister’s 25th b-day. Exhibit A: My sister and her husband, obviously BK,–tan, sparkling white teeth, smiling, rested, no bags under their eyes, nicely dressed, hair done, happy to have picture taken. Exhibit B: Myself and my husband, obviously AK–tired, pasty, worn, clothes and […]
Code Brown
My oh-so-wise friend R and her husband introduced us to this distress call. Basically, when one parent finds herself/himself in the midst of a particularly awful diaper changing scenario, they can call for back-up by yelling “Code Brown!” Unfortunately with our daughter, our Code Browns are frequent. She is proficient in once-a-day blowouts that basically […]
The Party House
Over the weekend, my BIL commented while entering our house, “I feel like I’m in Party City.” At first, I thought he was saying this b/c of the four balloons that were floating in our living room (dropped off as a gift for my son). I then realized that the general level of stimulation in […]
Birth Control
This is a shout out to my sister and BIL who return home tonight from their honeymoon (you’ll recall, I have my second vacation of the year planned in the airport parking lot. Considering taking some of my son’s glow sticks from his Halloween stash to set a relaxing mood as I dive into my […]