Well moms, it happened. My son broke his elbow falling off his bike, and I was introduced to the world of having a kiddo in a cast. While I’m grateful it wasn’t a worse break (remember when Meredith’s son broke his femur bone and landed in a hip spica cast?!), not knowing how to handle a […]
How My Son Won the Turkey Trot
I’d like to blame my sluggishness in writing this post on being so swamped with holiday work, but that’s only part of the truth. I dragged my feet in sharing this story because it’s one that packs a serious gut punch to my mom-heart. It’s a true story, a sweet story, a simple story. It’s a […]
World-Class Pediatric Care Close to Home
****Disclaimer: Today’s post is sponsored by CHOP at Virtua, but my love for their pediatric care is all my own!**** My children are six and four, which may not seem to be very aged as children go. Yet, when you consider the number of heart-stopping moments and necessary hospital visits we’ve already met up with, […]
Running with Melissa
My son is brilliant. I love the way his mind works, jumping from one cool discovery to another. I love his strength, the way he’s risen through adversity and allowed it to make him stronger. From the first summer of his life when his colic was so severe I questioned whether either of us would make it […]
No Fear
I wish I had my daughter’s spirit and energy. In her two-year old wild perfection, she barrels and life and doesn’t stop. If you’ve met Elyse in person, you know exactly what I mean. My son has the most gorgeous heart I’ve witnessed on this earth, but he is a sensitive soul. More like his […]
Life Post-Hip Spica Cast: A Very Cool View of the World
Why is this picture so cool? (aside from the fact that it’s the pic of child looking at the world upside down, which is a pretty neat perspective if you think about it 😉 ). Because my son is bent in half! Might not seem like a big deal, but considering 9 months ago, this […]
In-Home Physical Therapy
Not the case…but I am a huge fan, Megyn Kelly! We LOVE Mimi. After a really horrendous experience with my 2 yr. old son breaking his leg and subsequently being unable to walk, we managed to find our way to the Chester County Early Intervention Unit. After a semi-complicated process, we were led to our […]
Move Aside, Tiny Tim
No we didn’t have a Dickens-style Christmas miracle, but we did ring in 2012 with something pretty cool–my son took his first independent steps today, 65 days after his femur break. Sure, it was definitely an elderly man-esque shuffle and no one yelled out, “God bless us everyone!”, but it was definitely a very cool […]
A Year of Note
So you know how inevitatably you get That Christmas Letter every year that leaves you thinking, “I really don’t care if your daughter is acing out her 6 yr. old Gymboree class and now knows how to shake a morraca with the best of them?” It also cracks me up when couples write about all […]
No, not a typo where I meant to say “casting off”. Today is the day after six very long and very short weeks (isn’t it funny how time can take on very different dimensions simultaneously?), the hip spica cast is coming off! Woo-hoo! Kind of scared as to what we will find in there–I’m willing to […]