Aside from working from home, many women find it challenging to find a job once they’ve hadchildren. This is because they struggle to find a job that pays enough and fits perfectly aroundchildcare. Thanks to this, we’ve seen a considerable increase in the number of moms choosing totake control of their working life by starting […]
10 Top Posts of 2016
Happy New Year, friends! 2016 has been a big one around these parts both personally and on this site–lots of growth and change, a few challenges, a bunch of laughs, and always, always a hefty dose of heart and hope. As you settle in to do some reflecting on your own year and new goals for the […]
Happy Mom of the Year Award to YOU!
Happy 4 year blogiversary to me! What the heck is a blogiversary, you ask? It’s the annual high-five acknowledging you dedicated another year of your life to the thriving world behind a computer screen, justified by a logic that no one but a fellow blogger can appreciate. And maybe my dog, who remains thrilled I spend so much time in […]
Gala 411
It’s a big night around these parts, friends. To restate, I am leaving the house. Before you fall over in shock, let me tell you the whole story–it’s to ATTEND A GALA. Okay, now I’ll pause a minute while this sinks in… … Not sinking in? I know, I get it. This is truly an […]
Fluent In Blonde Illustrates My World
Friends, we all know I crush on Fluent in Blonde. Ashton has rocked my world with not only her adorableness and pink hair, but her genuine enthusiasm and talent. She never fails to make me laugh. I’m so thankful to know this Blonde gal, and after introducing her fantastic to you last month, I’m pleased for Ashton to share her […]
Dad of the Year Giveith, and Dad of the Year Taketh Away
This blogging world is full, chock full, of bloggers who touch your world in so many ways. Often these savvy writers may pop in and out of your life, but once in while,, you chance upon someone who says hello…and then stays around for a more than a while. I count it as one of my […]
From the Files of a Recovering Planner
I like things in order. I like things in order A LOT. I love my detailed-for-the-next-five-months calendar, and generally feel more secure when the goods for my kids’ summer birthdays are already ordered before Spring officially pops in. It’s my personality. It may be batty, but it’s who I am, and after 30+ yrs. of […]
Natural Disasters Can Make You Mother of the Year
There’s a sensation going around on these interwebs, and her name is Amanda Mushro. Amanda is the fantastic voice behind Questionable Choices in Parenting. She’s the kind of person I should be scared of because her hair is always GORGEOUS and she’s always so witty, but the thing is, I met this too-cool chick in […]
Screwing Up My First Born
When I was a very new blogger, I met Femme Frugality and fell hard. This girl is a smart, savvy bargain-hunter and really knows her finances. The grooviest part is that she doesn’t work in the financial field at all and money-saving is just a hobby for her–one that she’s very good at. She’s also […]
Dirty Little Secrets of The Mom of the Year
What’s that? You want to know all the crap that happens here behind the scenes at The Mom of the Year? I could sum it up for you in one sentence: It involves a lot of self-induced stress and late-night begging my husband to edit my posts (yes, the dear man proofs every single one), […]
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