Stopping by from the Mommy Brain Mixer? Welcome! I’m glad you are here. I love Cassie’s sweet blog, Two in Diapers and have been looking forward to co-hosting her weekly link-up. She never fails to bring a smile to my face, whether with a cute story about one of her kids or one of those […]
Last-Minute Halloween Costume Ideas
Life has been a little crazy lately, thanks to fall busyness and pumpkins demanding to be carved? Scrambling like mad to think of a last-minute creative costuming idea that won’t take much work? Too late to go out and gather up the props for an elaborate scheme? It’s cool. I’ve got you covered. As I’m […]
Healthy Choice Meals
Source Packaged weight-loss dream-come-true. At least in theory… Every time I am “concentrating my weight loss efforts”, at some point I always get the notion that it would be wise to start eating some of those Healthy Choice,/Lean Cuisine/Weight Watchers/etc. meals. Unfortunately, for me at least, this is an idea that is far better in […]
Just Say No
Somehow in my world of SAHM-ing it, I too often overlook the stay-at-home part. I could chalk it up as a misnomer, and just throw ourselves into being out and about, but I think this may be a disservice to my family. As in, I think there is an inherent value in actually just staying […]
The Parents’ Tea
My son’s sweet preschool recently hosted a tea for the parents. For any of you who have been reading along with my blog for a while, you understand that my idea of fun doesn’t really include making small talk with a bunch of strange women. Think: I’d rather beat my head against a brick […]
Mom vs. the Sick Day
Imagine it…that blissful first morning when BOTH of your kids are in school. The elation, the freedom, the…sick kid vomiting all over your carefully laid plans?? This happened to my sweet friend Kari, and I’m honored she is sharing her story here today. She truly has a gift with words. I always look forward to […]
When Your Husband Says No
My husband and I have differing definitions of good ideas. I like to consider myself more “open to new experiences which could positively benefit my life” whereas he typically just classifies me as crazy. Examples: 1. Those cleansing foot pad things. You know, the ones that suck all the toxins out of your body through […]
The Public Library: The Monday Review
Pony up the library card and crack one open, my friends! When we first moved to this area, one of the first places I visited was the public library. And you may recall when I lost my wallet last fall, I sobbed pretty hard over my missing library card. If you are a hardcore reading addict […]
Countdown to Christmas
In my perfect world, as soon as the leaves start to change, we would throw ourselves whole-heartedly into celebrating the Christmas season. This makes my husband grouchy, however. He is very big on enjoying ALL of the holidays, and would never want to rush the fall holidays of Halloween and Thanksgiving. Ergo, we have a strict […]
With a Moo Moo here and a Baa Baa There
Remember my friend Melissa who let me post over at her very cool blog, Adventures with Captain Destructo a couple of weeks ago? She’s so funny, she’s real, and she keeps it interesting. Above all, I think she’s great because she always just tells it exactly like it really is. Today she’s going to fill us […]
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