Eli of Coach Daddy asked me to write about how I’m a Superhero Mom. This is one of the times where it’s really great that our communication is online because right now he would be getting one of my special you-have-three-heads looks. I’m really good at those looks. At least I think I am. My […]
The Beautiful, Beautiful Sam’s Club
It was the stuff of fantasies–a Saturday, kids at the zoo with my in-laws and my husband and I were left peacefully alone to tackle our massive to-do list. Despite the stymieing length of the list, there was hope in the air. We had a boatload of errands to run, sure, but we could attack them without having […]
Femme Frugality Turns 3!
One of my very first friends in this blogging world was Femme Frugality, and I am thrilled to celebrate the 3 year anniversary of her blog here today! If you haven’t visited her site, DO. Her blog is chock-full of money-saving tips for “students, brides, mommies, daddies, and Pittsburghers”. I have learned a ton from this […]
With a Sidelong Glance to the Bees
Long about 3 months ago, my husband officially delved into his bee obsession. The hives were bought. The sidelong expressions were initiated. In short, I thought he was crazy and he knew it. In I Just Want to Be Alone, I wrote about all the “fun chats” that went into “our” decision to go forth with […]
5 Tips to Becoming a Super Mom
Here at The Mom of the Year, it’s all about being a fab parent–countless epic fails included, of course. I’d be lying if I told you I had it figured out–any of it figured out. My go-to strategy generally involves a lot of fumbling about and hoping for the best, but there have been a […]
Fluent In Blonde Illustrates My World
Friends, we all know I crush on Fluent in Blonde. Ashton has rocked my world with not only her adorableness and pink hair, but her genuine enthusiasm and talent. She never fails to make me laugh. I’m so thankful to know this Blonde gal, and after introducing her fantastic to you last month, I’m pleased for Ashton to share her […]
When the Blog Schools Me
Oftentimes there is a lot of emphatic raging related to the blog around these parts: “What the heck is this blogging good for?” “I need clean underwear!” “What the heck is “The Twitter” anyway?” It might be helpful to note that 98% of the time I am the one raging. I am the one confused, […]
Dad of the Year Giveith, and Dad of the Year Taketh Away
This blogging world is full, chock full, of bloggers who touch your world in so many ways. Often these savvy writers may pop in and out of your life, but once in while,, you chance upon someone who says hello…and then stays around for a more than a while. I count it as one of my […]
Everalbum’s Got It Covered
Pictures. Pictures. PICTURES. Spend just 30 seconds in my home and my obsession is apparent. Yes, I was the psycho pregnant lady stalk-calling Picture People to make sure I fully understood their membership options six months before my first child was born. I like memories. I like smiles. And I like things that make me […]
Happy Aunt to Me!
Long about a month ago, we were casually hanging around the family dinner table when my sister nonchalantly dropped The Bomb, “Yeah, so we are pregnant and having a baby.” Clatter my fork to the floor, this was HUGE! A sea of adorable squeeing and congratulations burst forth as we celebrated the fantastic news, but then it was […]
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