Forgive me from the start, b/c I have strong suspicion that most, if not all, of my future posts will center around children’s television as this has become the epicenter of our lives. I have no idea what is going on in the Middle East, much less the mid-east, but I can discussing programming for […]
Mary Poppins
It is funny to me that this is the second time in my brief blogging history that I am referencing the great lady, especially as I have not thought of Mary Poppins before this in about 20 years. In any case, after being up all night the night before, I took a nap yesterday afternoon […]
Threshold of Hell-ing It
Anyone who has ever seen and loved National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation probably remembers when Clark, thoroughly in the throes of fun holiday pandemonium, declares that the family is standing on the “threshold of hell”. And anyone with kids (and probably most of those without) has had a moment when you truly feel that your life […]
Juice! Juice!
Direct shout out to my friend K for reminding me how much I wanted to write about this hot topic 🙂 Except in my house, it’s more like “Joooosss! JOOOSSSS!” The intensity and depth of my toddler’s obsession with juice is astounding to me. The entire household has been brought down countless times with ginormous […]
Stalking the Husband
Okay ladies, let’s be honest, who doesn’t do this? It’s about a 1/2 hr. before your husband is due home and you start casing out the driveway, maybe peering out the windows, every slight noise offering potential hope that perhaps it’s the garage door and your husband somehow has made it home early. Help is […]
The Man in the Yellow Hat
There are two main men in my life. You might think my husband and my son. Wrong. Mickey Mouse and Curious George rock my world with their amazing ability to captivate my son. So how incredibly perfect that my children are monkeys this year for Halloween (and this was not a result of brilliant planning, […]
The Never-Ending Pile of Magazines
I have no idea how the magazine publishing companies knew I was pregnant before I did, but I swear I started receiving issues of Baby Talk and American Baby in my mailbox within hours of my first child’s conception. I imagine the editors were stalking my house waiting with bated breath for the exact moment […]
Managing the Poop
Obviously, I must have bathroom needs on the brain, since I have now dedicated my last two posts to it…My husband always enjoyed talking about poop far more than I ever have. He was shocked to learn that growing up, it was not actually a daily topic of conversation for me (somehow didn’t come up […]
Potty Talk
I have come to the conclusion that one of the greatest joys for the foreseeable future will undoubtedly be going to the bathroom–alone. If you count dogs, there have been several occasions in recent months where there were 4 other beings with me in the bathroom. And by bathroom, I mean powder room, not one […]
My friend called last night to say she is participating a police training exercise day today, complete with guns and burning buildings. My sister went zip-lining in St. Lucia last week, and my SIL performs concerts in Europe to packed audiences. Totally awesome experiences. So what does this SAHM do for her adrenaline rush? Waits […]