My daughter just discovered her hands recently. Where did these wonderful things come from?! And how did they just appear out of nowhere?! The things are awesome. They can grasp things and move stuff. And in some crazy way that hasn’t yet been fully figured it out, it would seem that they can actually be […]
We Need a Dustbuster
My son received a gift of red Moon Dough yesterday. Thinking this would be an excellent tactile distraction for him, I eagerly opened the pack and gave it to him. (This is the point where my wisdom as a mother seriously comes into question). Within approximately 2 seconds, my son, the couch and our carpet […]
Getting Hits Internationally
Who are you guys in Russia reading my blog?? And how am I so honored to have your audience?! This is wonderful–it makes me feel incredibly cool and very “global”. In general, I am a HUGE fan of anything you can do to make yourself seem/feel more exotic. This is a tremendous self-esteem booster, which […]
The Battery War
My husband hates battery-powered toys. In our house, this results in very few toys that require batteries actually having batteries in them. In general, I am opposed to extraneous noise. I am also a fan of all the blah-blah junk about children using their imaginations, so this is largely okay with me too. But somethings […]
A Sanitary Situation
Many of you have wondered how we are managing are son’s diapering needs–a legitimate question. First, we stick a sanitary napkin to a size 1 diaper and then jam it in along the edges of the cut-out in his cast. Then we cover the entire thing with a size 4 or 5 diaper. Ideally, we […]
Star Wars
Cue the theme song, b/c we are finally taking our much over-due trip into some sacred territory. I fully and freely admit, that largely, I don’t get it (yes, I am imagining the poison dart arrows flying at my head courtesy of die-hard fans everywhere). My introduction to the inter-galactic world came when I first met […]
Lemons, Angels, and Sandboxes
I believe there are angels on this earth, and my family has been blessed with more than we can count in the past week. The subject of this particular blog is a woman whom I met for the first time Thurs. morning. Apparently this angel spent time Thurs. night researching activities that my son could […]
Confusing Dreams with Reality
I believe there is a point in every woman’s life in which she can no longer distinguish the difference between what is happening in reality and what is part of her dreams. Often the confusion is relatively benign–did I actually have that conversation with my husband and did I really see that person at the […]
My Dog Needs to Be Sedated
Yes, a direct shout out to one of my all-time fav songs from the Ramones, “I Wanna Be Sedated”. In fairness to our dog, I don’t think there is any member of our family who wouldn’t benefit right now from IV administration of a potent sedative. However I cannot pursue the other family members’ needs […]
A Smoothie for a Toddler
Yesterday I decided to be a hero and make my son a smoothie. My friend, T, suggested that this might be a good way to get his bowels moving since constipation (due to his immobility) is a concern. So armed with fresh fruit, juice, greek yogurt and an awesomely cool Mickey sippy cup with a […]