This is my true age. You may not think this to look at me, but trust me. My hip has been going out on a regular basis, which makes walking insanely difficult. My husband has taken to calling me “Tin Man”, courtesy of my jerky walking style (flattering, I know). And I won’t even tell […]
How NOT to Raise Your Kid
10 Ways NOT to Raise Your Toddler This is courtesy of my MIL. Made me laugh out loud. Whoever Mira Jacob is, I’m her new biggest fan 🙂
Free Skeeball!
My dear friend E so generously lent my son an old iPhone so he could amuse himself with the games. I was so excited to give these child-friendly apps a run for their money, but when I first presented it to my son, he was largely confused. He has never seen Mommy or Daddy ever […]
Code Brown
My oh-so-wise friend R and her husband introduced us to this distress call. Basically, when one parent finds herself/himself in the midst of a particularly awful diaper changing scenario, they can call for back-up by yelling “Code Brown!” Unfortunately with our daughter, our Code Browns are frequent. She is proficient in once-a-day blowouts that basically […]
My Daughter’s First Boyfriend
My daughter is in a serious relationship. My husband is upset that her stuffed giraffe failed to ask his permission before getting so involved with his daughter. Let’s just say things have become pretty intimate pretty quickly. This does not set a good precedent for those horrendous teenage years to come. I don’t think my […]
Black Friday Eve
My husband gets very upset when I refer to Thanksgiving as Black Friday Eve, which is only a week away. But bargain-shopping is both my hobby and my sport, so my reverence for this important day of preparation is understood. Coupons, promo codes, consignment sales, clearance racks, yard sales…this is the sustenance of my being. Plotting and […]
The Party House
Over the weekend, my BIL commented while entering our house, “I feel like I’m in Party City.” At first, I thought he was saying this b/c of the four balloons that were floating in our living room (dropped off as a gift for my son). I then realized that the general level of stimulation in […]
Obsessed with Girly Stuff
I was going to have all boys. I had all the stuff, the seasons lined up perfectly for the clothing sizes–this one was going to be in the bag. Then the ultrasound revealed God had a different plan…In general, I am a fan of anything that can help me plan and organize my life (b/c […]
Midnight Free-play
So we finally get our baby to sleep through the night and now our poor son is “enjoying” a lot of those magical middle of the night hours. After months of sleeplessness, one’s mind can start to go to scary places. There is the obvious insomniac run-through of everything that needs to be done the […]
Betty Draper
I love her. I’m obsessed with her. I want to be her. I say this, only having watched the first season of Mad Men. My husband and I only recently, after cutting delivery of DVDs to our home (seriously, what is up with this new Netflix pricing?!), discovered this treasure. Therefore if she commits some egregious […]