Yes, it’s true–add Yankee candles to my ever-growing list of obsessions. Obviously I’m psycho about my treasured candles, carefully trimming back the wicks and working my coupons, promo codes and sales very hard to ensure that there is always a back-up so the Spidel home is never candleless (horror of horrors!). My husband and I […]
Keeping Up With the Scrapbook
This post is a direct rip-off from a conversation with my dear friend R the other day. She told me that would really like to finish the scrapbook of her daughter’s first year of life soon; her daughter is currently 4 1/2. I asked her how far into it she is. She said she is […]
Mommy Needs Some Private Time
Do you remember those Toyota Sienna commercials (“Swagger Wagon”!) about the very cool mom who used to enjoy some private “Mommy time” in her Sienna? At the time, I thought they were awesome and hysterical. Now I have become her. It officially happened earlier this week. One night we got home from wherever-the-heck we were at […]
Moms Gone Wild!
Tonight I am taking my very dear friend out on a long-planned date to celebrate the end of her semester. I know what you are thinking: a couple of moms taking in a cute romcom and then maybe being crazy and swinging by an Applebees later on for a sedate bite to eat. WRONG!! I […]
Jail Bait
So during a particularly heinous night recently when both of our children were screaming for at least 2+ hrs., my husband suggested we just make a break for the porch, shutting the madness in the house. I asked him why we should stop at the porch–would it not be safer to just make a complete escape for […]
Points for Participation??
General disclaimer: I KNOW NOTHING ABOUT BLOGS!!! I am also severely technologically stunted. As in, when I say that I use an old school phone and don’t text, I actually mean that I use an old school phone and don’t text…Also, not on facebook, but apparently this is changing at some point in the near […]
Before Kids and After Kids
These pictures will largely speak for themselves. Both taken recently on my sister’s 25th b-day. Exhibit A: My sister and her husband, obviously BK,–tan, sparkling white teeth, smiling, rested, no bags under their eyes, nicely dressed, hair done, happy to have picture taken. Exhibit B: Myself and my husband, obviously AK–tired, pasty, worn, clothes and […]
Boys and Their Toys
I was done with purchasing all of Santa’s gifts for my children. Done. Happy. Spent and saved the appropriate amount of money. Then somewhere around Black Friday my husband decided my son had to have a Nerf gun. Of course. The suggested age on the Nerf guns generally begin at 6+. So obviously this is […]
Grocery Shopping 2.0
My world has been completely turned upside down. My very wise, astute friend J.B. suggested that I give online grocery shopping a try as soon as my son was encasted. I held out, for what reason I do not know, until last week. Then I hit Genaurdi’ and fell in love. This was easy. This […]
It’s Getting More Serious
After recently reviewing this situation with my friend K, it occurred to me that my relationship with the UPS man truly has reached a new level (see UPS). Chalk it up to a holiday buying frenzy, further honing my online bargain-finding skills, or more companies finally getting on board with the need to ship their […]
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