At the Ready My father, in the obsessive time-saving ilk of Cheaper By the Dozen‘s Frank Bunker Gilbreth, oft proported the value of going to bed in one’s clothes for the next day. Not only would this save on laundry (no pajamas to wash), the primary gain would be the efficiency in the morning–no need to get […]
MaryAnn Keesey (8/29/49–3/2/12)
MaryAnn was… my moman incredibly dynamic womansmartan extraordinary teachera Red Hat womanfull of stories and laughtermy sister’s mother, my father’s wife and my children’s grandmastubbornall kinds of spunkyfunnycaringmy #1 cheerleadersomeone who will be incredibly missedmy mom… .
Sex Sells
I was reading about how to increase traffic on your blog. One tidbit of advice that repeatedly cropped up was “sex sells”. Really? Okay–here is your sex. I decided to be adventurous and order some new underwear (albeit with a Groupon and free shipping code). My husband was folding laundry the other night (I am […]
Angelina Jolie’s Leg
Funny that people have asked me where my post-Oscar’s round-up was b/c I safely pass out by 8:30pm when watching any awards show (yes, they start at 8pm), so don’t really have much to say. While there are so many things of note to comment on (Gwenyth looked gorgeous, but her ears are just weird. I […]
Girl Scout Cookies
What is the deal?! Seriously. Is it not obvious to all who encounter me that I most definitely need to be on a strict diet and soliciting my purchase of amazing cookies that conjure up annual memories of sweetness is “not really helpful”? To add salt (or sugar as the case may be) to the […]
Hunger Games Mania
Fans, we have arrived. Move aside lame-by-comparison Twilight. For-real amazing teenage sci-fi is finally on the scene, praise God. I’m especially stoked about this b/c I read the trilogy months ago before this craze even took off and now feel extremely on-trend. Opening day is 3/23 (epic day in history as you’ll recall that this […]
“Be Still, and Know that I’m God”
Very grouchy with global warming right now. I’d love to know: where is the snow this winter?! Yes, sure, inconvenienced with the white stuff right along with the next person, but when you have kids, a nice solid snow at some point during the winter seems due. Forget the fun of sledding, why then did […]
Children’s Clothing for Every Holiday
Isaac’s 1st Christmas (pouty dog included) It is very possible that I am obsessed with holiday gear. I always knew that I was slightly very into having my children sport bibs, tees, and onesies to shout-out whatever holiday was upcoming, but I now realize that my behavior may border on a little psychotic. This was […]
Sometimes You Just Pray for the Cats
Mommy is ordering an “I (heart) Sprinkles and Red Dye #5” t-shirt for herself. Anyone else want in?? If I had to guesstimate, I would say about 98% of this child-rearing gig doesn’t go down the way I originally pictured in my mind. Recent case in point: the idyllic decoration of Valentine cookies I had imagined resulted […]
Aiming for Second-Worst
We judgmental moms, carefully “working” the room by ranking the horrendous-ness of all the children present… Yes, we modern moms shoot high. Further shout-out to my friend T, who has apparently been a significant inspiration for blog fodder as of late…I was telling her how my son recently held hellacious court at the b-day party of our favorite […]
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